Zon-Kuthon worship in Cheliax and among Hellknights

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Is there much of this going on? Would the Church of Asmodeus have many objections?

I'm trying to work out a Zon-Kuthon worshiping Signifier/Life oracle for PFS, to add a bit of unusual flavor to a healer build.

I believe Zon-Kuthon is listed down as one of the major religions of Cheliax. That being said, it's not as if Zon-Kuthon really steps on Asmodeus' toes in terms of religious doctrine. If anything, their goals mesh together relatively well.

Since Cheliax and Nidal are allies, with embassies, shadow callers working along with hellnights in westcrown, master diabolists taking apprentices from the Dusk Hall and all that jazz i would say that yes you can do what you said.

I would recommend reading James Jacobs comments on the relationship between Zon-Kuthon, kyton, Nidel, Cheliax, and the denizens of Hell. It's fascinating.

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2nxbj&page=2?Dominion-of-the-Black-Pulling- more-from-HR#84

Very helpful link! Thanks for sharing.

Basically- Asmodeus is ok with followers of any other religions within Celiax as long as they keep their heads down and recognize his supremacy. There are some gods that this works for, including Zon-Kuthon and Iomedae, and others who it doesn't work well for… say Callistria…

Also note that one of the orders of Hellknights, the Order of the Godclaw, openly took the tenants of five different Law deities as their foundation… and Asmodeus is ok with them.

They have a simple rule. Don't ask, Don't tell.

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