Arcane Archer build


Scarab Sages

Ok I am looking to build an arcane archer, and I am faced with the debate of when to take feats. Let me post the basics.

Dwarf Ranger
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8.

At 7th level, I am taking a level of Empyreal bloodline Sorcerer.

I like dwarves quite a bit, so I am not to keen on changing the race or stats. It is for a homebrew campaign, so I am also not keen on min maxing for optimization cheese effect.

Now once I hit 8th level, here are the feats I can see

1. Point blank shot or deadly aim
2. precise shot or precise shot
3. deadly aim or point blank shot
5. rapid shot
7. weapon focus bow.

To summarize, I am eyeing point blank shot, deadly aim, precise shot, rapid shot, and weapon focus, but I am curious as to which order. Any ideas?

What level are you starting at?

Scarab Sages

level 1

Shadow Lodge

I'd go something like

1:Point-Blank Shot
2R:Precise Shot
3:Rapid Shot
5:Deadly Aim
7:Weapon Focus [Longbow]

Point-Blank first because its a huge prerequisite for ranged feats, then precise shot because you need to be able to hit things while allies are in melee, then Rapid Shot to get more attacks in, then get the deadly aim to add a little more damage to attacks.

Well, I always like to get precise shot ASAP so I don't shoot my allies. Deadly shot can be postponed until 5th because your damage without it should suffice until then.


ArmouredMonk13 wrote:

I'd go something like

1:Point-Blank Shot
2R:Precise Shot
3:Rapid Shot
5:Deadly Aim
7:Weapon Focus [Longbow]

Point-Blank first because its a huge prerequisite for ranged feats, then precise shot because you need to be able to hit things while allies are in melee, then Rapid Shot to get more attacks in, then get the deadly aim to add a little more damage to attacks.

This is how I'd do it. Of course a Dwarven Empyreal Sorcerer would really synergize with a Zen Archer - which basically gives you everything plus more by level 6. If you're open to the idea of 6 levels of ZAM, I'd do this (in this order as you skip pre-Reqs)

1) whatever you want. Something to fill out your character (or improved initiative or Toughness)
MB) Precise Shot.
MB) Unarmed Strike
MB) Perfect Strike
2. MB) Point Blank Shot
MB) Weapon Focus
3) Whatever
MB) Point Blank Master
5) Deadly Aim
6. MB) Weapon Specialization

Now it's worth noting that by level 3 you can use WIS for your "attack" stat. A higher WIS will also improve your sorcerer stuff.
You also get Flurry of Bows, which is like Rapid Shot.
You also get 3 strong saves
The only thing you really miss is Manyshot.

Now, to be perfectly frank I have no idea if a WIS focused arcane archer is even feasible - so the above may be useless to you...

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