Quarter damage to objects by splash weapons?

Rules Questions

PRD>Core Rulebook>Additional Rules>Smashing Aan Object wrote:

Energy Attacks: Energy attacks deal half damage to most objects. Divide the damage by 2 before applying the object's hardness. Some energy types might be particularly effective against certain objects, subject to GM discretion. For example, fire might do full damage against parchment, cloth, and other objects that burn easily. Sonic might do full damage against glass and crystal objects.

Ranged Weapon Damage: Objects take half damage from ranged weapons (unless the weapon is a siege engine or something similar). Divide the damage dealt by 2 before applying the object's hardness.

A literal reading of above two paragraphs, would mean any splash weapons that do energy damage, which includes most bombs, would only do one quarter damage to objects, unless considered "similar" to "siege engine". I don't think a bomb doing only one quarter damage while something like an arrow or javelin doing half makes sense. Am I missing something?

Energy Attacks wrote:
Energy attacks deal half damage to most objects. Divide the damage by 2 before applying the object's hardness.

I see this as a description of what happens followed by the mechanics of how it happens. The mechanics show that you also apply hardness, and when you apply it. So only a single halving happens.


A splash weapon is a ranged weapon that breaks on impact, ...

But I do agree RAI that only energy applies. It's not stated directly, but it's implied that the ranged weapon entry presumes physical damage. (unless we're supposed to 1/4 rays too?)

Bombs and the like aren't really ranged weapons because it isn't the impact of the projectile that deals the damage; it's the explosion/splash of the payload that deals the damage. Thrown Splash Weapons is even its own main category under Combat, not listed under Ranged Combat. But even if the multipliers did stack, we use Pathfinder Math here, not normal math so the final factor would be 1/3 rather than 1/4.

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