Cavilier102 |

So finally have a game that hasn't been abandoned after two sessions due to life issues and I realize Not sure how best, much at all, to award proper moniez and loot the everyone. Doesn't help everyone else has never played before and have absolutely no idea what they want or need as gear. Realized this when they hit lvl 2 and had almost nothing new so threw a bunch of different bits and pieces of cool things at them all but not sure how to do it better than the Lady Giladrial gives you need stuff way. Thanks for any help you can give.

Kalridian |

- loot it from dead enemys or their lairs
- randomly find it (abandoned merchant cart, merchant has been killed by wild animal)
- bandits stash - have them find a treasure map
- have somebody pay them for services
Having a uber-mighty NSC just give the party gifts like galadriel does, akways leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

CzarGarrett |
I'll agree with Scavion. Low levels there isn't much.
Besides the aforementioned masterwork items, I'd look at low level consumable magic items. Scrolls with one 1st level spell. Some of the cheaper wondrous magic items (anchor feather token, etc). It might not be something they'd directly use, but it helps them build up some resources to sell or trade for the stuff they really want and it can cover the "Ooh, magic item" feel.
As as to there how- setting up little adventures with items in play can help. If the players see an enemy wizard with a wand throwing an interesting spell around, perhaps the party's sorcerer decides he wants it. Or the bandit leader who's armor seems impervious might inspire the party's fighter to get some diesel armor.

Owly |

Writing clearly helps many of us take you seriously. This isn't 4chan.
As for awarding treasure...When you're planning your encounters, use the CR level of the encounter and go to Archives of Nethys:
Use the generator to roll up some treasure. Never mind if you come up with something that isn't exciting or interesting or immediately usable. Let the players figure out how to use it or sell it.
Consider the encounter; did someone important send them on the quest? Was it a random discovery in the woods? Did they follow a treasure map? Make that origin part of how they're awarded. For example, if they're being sent on the quest by a wealthy/important person who is paying them, have that reward be part of the overall treasure. "We only found some rusted weapons and a few semiprecious gems, but don't worry, we're getting 500gp from the guy who told us where to find this creature."

Taku Ooka Nin |

You can do one of two things: Roll random treasure or go by treasure per encounter.
Keep in mind that WBL isn't entirely accurate to the treasure your PCs should be getting from adventuring. So, there are roughly 20 CR (APL) encounters per level. I have a table on my other comp, so later I'll post it.
keep in mind that there are a lot of monsters that give no treasure, standard, Double, and triple. Try to balance all of that if possible.
Best of luck. Remember, Players love getting goodies.