Medusa Mask and closing a location

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

So, you have a shiny new Medusa Mask but are feeling a little glum that you can't show it off to your friends (they have to look the other way so you don't petrify them). So, you head off to the woods to have some 'me' time on your own. After all, there are only two cards there, so not much to worry about.

Whilst there you find a Henchman, and use the mask to stop him from disturbing your train of thought. You explore again and pick up a BotGods.

The Woods' location deck is now empty and it's the end of your turn.

Q1) Can you close the location?

My guess is that you can, since the location deck is empty. But would be nice to get some feedback on this.

Q2) If you close the location does the petrified card just go back on top of the (empty) location deck at the end of your turn?

Closed location can have location decks, so I don't see this being a problem.

Q3) The old chestnut. Imagine that you petrified a VILLAIN instead of a Henchman, so there is a closed location with a Villain in its location deck. If all other locations are closed, then you encounter that villain and LOSE, what happens? There is nowhere for the villain to run to, is it (a) the villain just stay put and you need to try again another day, (b) "If the Villain Has Nowhere to Escape to, You Win!" or (c) you lose for being too Munchkinly and this is a whole different universe.

I think we'd go for (a) if this ever came up...

A3) I remember reading about this in another thread. If I remember correctly, the location you are at is not closed if the villain is there (the villain becomes the entirety of the location instead) and since you did not defeat it, it stays in the open location and you have to try again later.

Not sure about the other questions.

@KingNate - For Q3 the Villain is NOT in the location deck when you close it (it's on top of the Medusa Mask). It then (I think) moves to the closed location's deck at the end of your turn. As such you can have an 'active' villain in a closed location.

I also remember seeing something about this but couldn't find it with the forum search.

I found the thread

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Awesome - thanks for the link.

So the answers are:

A1) No, you cannot close the location, since the location deck is not empty. It still contains one "phased out" card as Mike put it.

A2) N/A since you cannot close the location. However, if you closed the location through some other means (e.g. defeating a Henchman/Villain) then I think my original answer would be correct, i.e. the card "phases back in" as the top card of the closed location's Location Deck.

A3) my original scenario is incorrect. A location cannot be closed whilst there is a still a villain in its deck so this will never happen. (If you try to close the location then all the cards in the deck will be banished except the phased out villain, at the end of your turn the villain will become the entirety of the still OPEN location's Location Deck)

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