Request for BB Code help

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hi Paizo techie bods
(or any clever souls able to answer the following)

A small request - I am working through a worked example of item design for this years Superstar threads and I have reached a point where I need to illustrate the template for items in my posts.

So, how do you recommend I enter the bb code to ensure it isn't interpreted by the forum engine (i.e. how do i escape [ b ] [ / b ] [ i ] and [ / i ] without adding all those spaces)?

Many thanks in advance


RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

One way would be to have the BBC codes themselves coded. If you actually enclose the bold tags in bold tags, for instance, you'd see the code. This wouldn't work for the 'stop doing that' part of the tag, but that you can just put separately without an initiating tag and it should show up. Here's what I'm talking about:
[b] [/b]
Which is simply [ b ][ b ][ /b ][ /b ] without the extra spacing.
So you would have half the code boded or italicized or whatever, but it should be sufficiently clear that it won't cause confusion. (Or, to put it another way, if that's not sufficiently idiot proofed for someone, that someone really wouldn't do too well in any case...)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Sean McGowan wrote:

One way would be to have the BBC codes themselves coded. If you actually enclose the bold tags in bold tags, for instance, you'd see the code. This wouldn't work for the 'stop doing that' part of the tag, but that you can just put separately without an initiating tag and it should show up. Here's what I'm talking about:

[b] [/b]
Which is simply [ b ][ b ][ /b ][ /b ] without the extra spacing.
So you would have half the code boded or italicized or whatever, but it should be sufficiently clear that it won't cause confusion. (Or, to put it another way, if that's not sufficiently idiot proofed for someone, that someone really wouldn't do too well in any case...)

This I tried, it looks horrible, nauseatingly so but may be my only option - my worry was if the forum software ever gets updated that the embedded formatting starts toggling bold on and off for example, then the display would change over time >.<

So I thought it wise to ask if there was an escape character.

I think I have done enough of my worked example for today, so there is no rush for a definitive answer. :)

do [code] tags work here on the paizo boards?

huh, I didn't expect that at all. Did I break bbcode?
[code]not bolded?[/code]

One last test, did the tag break because I opened and didn't close the [code] tag? Or was it because it was empty.
how bolded am I?

apparently, it was because it was empty [b][/b]. I'm out of ideas.

Two suggestions, but these may not be what you are asking for.
Leave the last bracket out, with an explanation that that is what you did: "[b] [/b (be sure to close the final bracket)". This is what I do for my PBPs.
Write it up with parenthesis instead of brackets. (b) (/b)
Link them to this or to a Top 32 done correctly for example. If you (they) hit reply you (they) will see the BB code as it should be and of course the explanations of all the codes are in the little button down below...

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