Homebrew Incursion Campaign

Homebrew and House Rules

I'm not sure if this is the right forum topic for this but if not, I trust some helpful moderator will see me properly tossed into the appropriate alley.

I've posted quite a bit about my ongoing campaign and thought it might be interesting reading for someone to get it all in single thread. So in summary here is my current Incursion: Githyanki Invasion Hombrew Campaign.

We play in a homebrew world that is only recently (1500 yrs) recovering from a war where dieties played cosmic chess by creating ever more unstable/dangerous creatures to "one-up" each other.

This resulted in them (the gods) being stripped of thier powers and forced to rely on worship and created a world based largely off the 4E concept of points of light in a sea of darkness. IE. the world at large is untamed and long distance travel is dangerous.

Enter the PCs who through a series of misadventures end up on the southern end of the primary continent (which is totally unknown/explored by the northern half) and is a desert wasteland.

They get captured and sold into gladitorial slavery in a city run by monsterous races and ruled by a githyanki dictator.

They spend several months becoming powerful gladiators (Dungeon Magaziene "Blood in the Viens" gladiator storyline.

Upon escaping they embarrass and earn the hatred of the gith ruler....who having interrogated the PCs now knows about the bountiful land north of the mountains.

As the PCs work to find a way home via friendly city of psionically empowered warforged they githyanki ruler contacts her lord and liege on the astral plane begging a chance for vengance and selling the gith queen on the valuable resources to be taken by invading the N.

The PCs finally make it back N. by aquiring parts for and rebuilding an airship which is a relic from the God's war and unheard of in this time.

After heading back home...they start to encounter the Gith slowly at first and then more. Finally learning of the planned invasion and they must warn the entire continent via airship travel.

The Gith have infiltrated several town/cities and work against the PCs also cutting off communication via guerrilla tactics and a bloody dragon!!

PCs warn three towns...losing one when they opt to continue spreading the word rather than stay and defend it...tough choice but they made the right one I think.

Now they have killed a dragon that was single handedly cutting off trade between the two primary kingdoms and are traveling east to continue spreading the warning.

Meanwhile the gith are now having to step up the invasion and the PCs will have to play a part in planning the defense of two kingdoms and make some tough choices about sacrafice for the greater good as the gith queen is working to spread disinformation and get the cities to over commit forces while using her gate ability to shift forces rapidly.

And that's where we stand now....

Any thoughts, feedback, ideas or experiences running similar adventures is welcome!

no one? but but...you said you loved me....

How did your gods wage war? Blasting kingdoms off the map or was it the Unleash Godborn horrors on the world kind of war.

Cause Godborn horrors leave corpses, Giant Corpses that thousands of years later might be mistaken for mountains

Corpses that powerful magic could animated into a doomsday weapon.

You are correct sir! The war started with an un-named evil diety creating a godspawned horror to destroy and torment the flora and fuana created by the nature diety...well one of the goodly gods didn't like that so they created a "good" Godborn beast to battle the evil...and so on escalating until "elder powers" came in and basically destroyed the greatest threats to creation and then told the gods...

ok fine you created these things nearly destroying this world...now your very existance will be tied to thier worship. Well many gods said forget that!...and they faded from existance...others had thier followers wiped out in "mysterious" plagues etc.

So now you have this work where exactly that happens Greylurker...ancient dungeons filled with forgotten relics of a diety inspired war...corpses and undying horrors lurk in the shadows!

Had something similar a few years back. God vs. Titans. Massive Corpses left behind. Evil Wizard started looking for and assembling the parts of the "Titan of Insects" so he could animate it into a warmachine.

First clue my group found was falling in a pit full of Giant Maggots where the arm used to be. Didn't realize what was going on until it was too late.

now the Gith, they go by a whole God-Queen thing don't they? Stands to reason they might start propaganda to weaken the worship of the Gods.

How to do that?

By helping people, giving people what they need, giving them the things they would normally turn to the gods for.
Healing the injured, curing the sick. "Worship, get off your knees, no need for that, our Queen just wants everyone to be happy"

Eat away at all the things people typically turn to Clerics for and start starving the Gods.

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