Mystic Theurge and SLAs

Rules Questions

I know it has been established that SLAs can be considered for fulfilling the requirement of 2nd level arcane casting. What of SLAs that "may" be considered arcane?
The cleric domain Knowledge grants the use of Clairvoyance /Clairaudience (an arcane spell) through the Remote Viewing SLA. Would this be considered acceptable? With it, a character could go C6/W1/MT.
I'm inclined to say that the Remote Viewing is divine in nature, and does not count as arcane, but I wanted to hear other's thoughts on the matter.


There is a separate FAQ that includes how to determine as which type of spell the SLA counts.

If it's granted by a class feature of a casting class - like the domains of a Cleric for example - then it counts as the type of spell that class normally casts. So SLAs granted by a Cleric's domain would be always be divine.

If it's granted by a race, a feat, a class feature of a non-casting class, or 'other', then the type depends on which lists the SLA's base spell appears. Here's the 'hierarchy': sorcerer/wizard spell, then default to cleric, druid, bard, paladin, and ranger, in that order.

So if it appears on the Sorcerer\Wizard list, it's arcane; if it's not on there, check the Cleric and Druid list and if it's there it's divine; and so on.

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