Neo4J in the Software Developer Job Listing

Website Feedback

I notice that Neo4J was listed as a desired skill in the Paizo Software Developer job listing,

I've looked at using the graph database to model things in the medical space at my current job. The relationship between a drug and a symptom is interesting along its edge. Is the drug a treatment for the symptom or is the symptom a side effect of the drug.

I am very curious how Paizo uses a graph database, if you don't mind sharing.


Paizo Employee PostMonster General

I think I'm going to decline to describe this for now. We're not using it in a deployed application yet and I'm wary of announcing things before they're ready.

Fair enough. When you can share, I'd love to hear about it.


If I had to take an educated guess, it would be to do a "recommended items" section for people based on their previous purchases, and upon related items determined by what others had bought together with that item.

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