Graveknights, do they HAVE to wear that set of armor.

Rules Questions

So I know a graveknight regenerates inside the suit of armor it was made in, but does it need to wear that specific suit of armor at all times?

Can it do what a lich does with its physcophlacty? Hide it in a tomb or something so if it is defeated it is no where near the thing that took it down?

I did not find anything saying that the graveknight had to have that armor on at all times.

Another not as important question regarding graveknights, by armor do they mean the normal armors in game or can a helmet, bracers of armor or some other item that does not count as traditional armor also work?

Because a monk graveknight seems like something that would be awesome.

Dark Archive

I do think it has to be real armor. I suppose he doesn't have to wear his armor, but that would be unwise. How about some contingency spell that teleports his armor away when he dies? That way, the players will have to figure out a way to destroy the armor with him inside...

It has to be heavy armor. There are rules showing the process to create one, and it states that.

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The write up of the creature says "This armor becomes an icon of its perverse natures, transforming into a monstrous second skin over the husk of desiccated flesh and scarred bone locked within." And the only other references to the armor being off the graveknight are when it has been destroyed. Going with a resounding "No" to being able to take off the armor. Though you can still play with it a little bit, mithril full plate (or celestial) to make it act as a lower class of armor for some builds. Glamored property to make it look as if the graveknight wasn't in full battle mode. Various other properties as well.

It is probably better to think of the armor as the graveknight, the body inside is just a hp pool. Taking the armor off is tantamount to ripping the skin off a creature and in most cases would be inflicting significant damage if not out right killing the creature.

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