Dumb Dark Cathedral Elevator question...

Age of Worms Adventure Path

...am I just not getting it? If a PC stays behind to lower the rest of the party, how does he get down to the Dark Cathedral without smashing with the elevator?

Isn't there a lever on the platform so the group can lower it down without having one of them staying behind? At least that's how I played it.

Actually, it seems to me that the operating mechanism (the spool/wheel) is attached to the platform itself, and thus can only be used by someone in the elevator. Note that a maximum of three people can use the elevator at once, but the second and third person can add a bonus to the operator's Strength score for keeping the elevator under control.

Silver Crusade

Yeah, I had to read it twice to ascertain the controls were in the elevator itself and players had to turn the wheel as a team to control the descent.

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