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100 Fantasy Archetypes
Roll 1d100 for each race (or nation or group of people) just to throw some ideas out there for things they might find interesting or unusual. Roll 1d100 twice for even more ideas.
1 Jack of All Trades
2 Loremaster
3 Sage
4 Holy Warrior
5 King's Man / King's Woman
6 Rebel
7 Land's Redeemer
8 Mysterious Wise One
9 Preserver of Life
10 Dilettante
11 Spellcasting Warrior
12 War Mage
13 Doomspeaker
14 Priest
15 Teacher
16 Avenger
17 Chosen One
18 Guardian
19 Questing Knight
20 Combat Devotee
21 Contemplative Knight
22 Castle Defender
23 Spellsword
24 Trap Master
25 Beastmaster
26 Spirit Follower
27 Wise Warrior
28 Bored Noble
29 Pirate
30 Roguish Hero
31 Street Lurker
32 Grizzled Veteran
33 Knight of the Silver Sword
34 Military Leader
35 Warguild Member
36 Dreamer
37 Tribal Shaman
38 Unwilling Mage
39 Guardian of the Wilds
40 City Speaker
41 Wild One
42 Frontier Warrior
43 Master of the Bow
44 Guild Assassin
45 Knight of the Realm
46 Steel Warrior
47 Barbarian at odds with civilization
48 Berserker Cultist
49 Militant Fanatic
50 Mystic Assassin
51 Crone's Ranger
52 War Dancer
53 Warrior of the Nameless Good
54 Rugged Frontierman
55 Fighting Prodigy
56 Skilled Veteran
57 Organized Crime Member
58 Merchant Prince
59 Ascetic Combatant
60 Duelist
61 Heretic
62 Mysterious Sorcerer
63 Arcane Researcher
64 Investigator
65 Military Historian
66 Spy
67 Riddlemaster
68 Negotiator
69 Storyteller
70 Giver of Blessings
71 Stargazer
72 Prophet
73 Enlightened One
74 History Keeper
75 Staffmaster
76 Bounty Hunter
77 Driven Avenger
78 Master of Beasts
79 Wayfinder
80 World Traveler
81 Pretender
82 Daredevil
83 Possessed
84 Tactician
85 Dark Curious
86 Agent
87 Innocent
88 Explorer
89 Orphan
90 Scientist
91 Healer
92 Royalty
93 Skilled Master
94 Skilled Apprentice
95 Spiritual Seeker
96 Defender
97 Egomaniac
98 Servant of the Crown
99 Rebel
100 Roll twice, ignoring result of 100.