Still a bit confused on when...

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

... I can play certain cards.

For example, a spell like Cure. Can I only use it on my turn? Normally I can add cards to other people's checks off turn, and I know my Cleric's base ability of healing is only usable instead of her first exploration so that is pretty straight forward. But when can the spell be used? The card doesn't say.

Also, is there a full list of card changes for errata? I'm not sure which items suffer from the 'you only' rule. We have generally ruled any card that doesn't say 'Your' can be used to help other players, but I'm getting the impression that is incorrect based on another thread, but when I looked through the FAQ, I didn't see an entry on that. Is it in the main rulebook and I missed it?


I think I found the answer to my first question on page 9 of the rulebook:

"If a card in your hand does not specify when it can be played, you can generally play it any time, with the exception that during an encounter you may only perform actions at specific times."

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

wraithdrit wrote:
Also, is there a full list of card changes for errata? I'm not sure which items suffer from the 'you only' rule. We have generally ruled any card that doesn't say 'Your' can be used to help other players, but I'm getting the impression that is incorrect based on another thread, but when I looked through the FAQ, I didn't see an entry on that. Is it in the main rulebook and I missed it?

The issue isn't in the cards so much as it is in understanding the rules, so we addressed it in rulebook revisions. You want this FAQ, this FAQ, and this FAQ.

To answer your question about errata (kind of), someone did make a list, give me a second, I will try to find it.

Ok, couldn't find the nice compiled list (darn), but off the top of my head...

A couple of weapons are missing a trait (Bastard sword +1 is two handed, and I think maybe a warhamer +1 is missing magic trait?)

Ambush barrier should be banished after it's encountered, defeated or not.

A bugbear henchman from adventure path one is missing the Goblin trait.

Detect Magic is difficulty 4 to recharge, not 14.

Scorching ray (from AP1) is not basic.

All of the errata is in the FAQ, it's just not complied right next to each other (last time I checked, anyway).

That is at least most of them, maybe I'll go through the FAQ later and compile all of the ones that have a game changing effect on the card. And then I'll put it in a new thread, with a name that makes sense... yeah, sure....

@wraithdrit -the "you" thing basically means that the cards you play let YOU do things. So if you have a card which says "discard this to evade a monster" in long-hand it means "discard this to ALLOW YOU TO evade a monster" - so you cannot play it to help somebody else.

If, on the other hand it said "discard this to allow a player at your location evade a monster" then those types of card can be played on other character's turns.

See here for more on this from Vic: 0

I hope that helps!

I think that thread really helped, h4ppy. Vic, I am concerned the FAQ needs a little more help in this area. The three FAQs you pointed me to still left me a little unsure, and it wasn't until I went and read the thread did I really 'get it'. Just a little feedback for ya. :)

wraithdrit wrote:
I think that thread really helped, h4ppy. Vic, I am concerned the FAQ needs a little more help in this area. The three FAQs you pointed me to still left me a little unsure, and it wasn't until I went and read the thread did I really 'get it'. Just a little feedback for ya. :)

Your question is actually answered in the first part of the FAQ under Rules Questions

FAQ Rules Questions wrote:
Cards Do What They Say. Read any card as it is encountered or played, and do whatever it says as soon as it makes sense to do so. Let the card tell you what to do, and don’t impose limitations that aren’t there. You can play an armor card even if there isn’t one in your deck list. You can play a Cure spell even if it’s not your turn. You can play a blessing on a check even if someone else has played one. Cards say everything they need to say.

So you can play cure when it isn't your turn.

There is an errata list on

Though it looks to be somewhat old. In the messages under that you'll see someone also posted it to Google Docs.

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