[Spoilers] Vanities and Pathfinder society characters

Pathfinder Society

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Dark Archive 2/5

Zahamuri Kelsha Blackros, my pragmatic minded Cleric of Sarenrae in the Dark Archive married into the Blackros family for both access to that family's contacts and to become more valuable to the Dark Archive. He uses his connections and relationships to locate lucrative opportunities - he uses Knowledge (nobility) as a day job.

Wen Xiong, the heart-of-gold but head-of-lead Bloodrager from TianXia was convinced to invest in a caravan and occasionally accompanies it to make sure it reaches it's destination - Has the Caravan Vanity and uses Intimidation as a day job check.

Icobaus Chandros, an Investigator from an minor Chelaxian family has set up "shop" in Absalom buying and selling information. He has the information Brokerage Vanity and uses his absurdly high Knowledge (local) for day jobs.

Frustrated Alchemy's inability to case a simple Detect Magic he recently purchased a Discerning Wayfinder.

Dark Archive

Another reason you don't see more Blakroses is I married their last good looking daughter. Or at least that's what I tell her to avoid what inevitably happens when you tick a Blakros off.

She has been in a bad mood since rumors of me masquerading as a slave started going around. I would never do that, even if the society made me. At least that's what I paid off the scribes to say.

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