Faiths and Gods and…

Lost Omens Products

Hi, I'm trying to find a good resource (GM point of view) about gods and faiths in the inner sea. I see now there are 3 companions (faiths of purity/balance/corruption) and 1 campaign setting (gods and magic): which of them is the most up to date resource? Should I suppose the companions focus on a player point of view and the campaign setting on a GM point of view? I don't want to buy all of them and find out they are the same stuff. Moreover, as a GM I already have a lot to read, so I'm seeking advice on what I should go for :)

I already have the Inner sea guide, it contains a small description of gods, but if one of the books above is worth owning to improve my game I'd have no problem getting it.

I'm not sure how up to date it is but your could try the Pathfinder Wiki: Religion

Webstore Gninja Minion

You're going to want the upcoming Inner Sea Gods hardcover, which updates the information from Gods & Magic and gathers information from many of our supplemental articles from our Adventure Path volumes.

Thank you Speaker.

Liz Courts wrote:
You're going to want the upcoming Inner Sea Gods hardcover, which updates the information from Gods & Magic and gathers information from many of our supplemental articles from our Adventure Path volumes.

Wow, that seems huge. Worth to wait, then. I'm happy to see that religions have a revisited and well defined new role in the Inner Sea (they deserved it). I hope arcane arts will get a similar treatment soon :)

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