Can you cast spells while helpless?

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

If you have the helpless condition can you cast a spell? What if it was a silent spell that was only verbal?

Lantern Lodge

It depends on what kind of helpless. Are you unconsciousness?

If you can take purely mental functions still, then yes. See paralyzed and pinned.

Frodo pretty much said it. I think helpless pretty much precludes anything that takes Somatic or Material components. Verbal... varies.

Helpless (PFRPG Core Rulebook, pg. 567):
"Helpless: A helpless character is paralyzed, held, bound,sleeping, unconscious, or otherwise completely at an opponent’s mercy."

Depends on the spell requirements and which of those you are...

Paralyzed: Nothing that requires Verbal, Somatic or Material components (assuming your vocal chords are included).

Held: Nothing requiring Somatic or Material components, nothing Verbal if they've gagged you.

Bound: Nothing Somatic or Material, nothing Verbal if gagged.

Sleeping or Unconscious: Nothing allowed.

Otherwise: Who knows?

Metamagic (silent spell) would allow Verbal only spells if you memorized the spell with that in mind. And you weren't Sleeping or Unconscious :)

My take of course, others may agree / disagree.

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