Magus Arcane Pool Question

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

{ This is for PFS if it makes any difference. }

Let us say I have a 5th level magus.
BAB +3
Strength 18 so +4 to hit and damage
Weapon focus whip so +1 to hit
Improved trip +2 to trip attempts (or improved disarm, not sure which I will take first but whip has an extra +2 to disarm)

He has a With the arcane pool ability, he can add a +2 enhancement bonus to his weapon.

… At 1st level, a magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant any weapon he is holding a +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing enhancement to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves. …

He has a +1 Dueling Whip (this is the dueling from the PFS Field Guide, not the UE).

… When a dueling weapon is used to perform a combat maneuver that utilizes the weapon only (see below), it grants a luck bonus equal to the twice the its enhancement bonus on the CMB check made to carry out the maneuver. … Note that this luck bonus stacks with the weapon’s enhancement bonus which in and of itself adds to the CMB checks normally.

So if I use the arcane pool my CMB to trip someone with the whip will be

+3(BaB)+4(str)+1(WF)+2(ImpTrip)+3(the weapon now has a +3 enhancement bonus)+6(luck bonus equal to double the enhancement bonus)=+19

And if I first cast true strike it would be a +39

So at 5th level I only have to roll a 3 or better to trip a storm giant. That is pretty sweet.

Have I got that correct?

The question about how Duelling interacts with Arcane Pool or another variable enhancement bonus (e.g. furyborn) is unclear and tricky. If your understanding is correct, the magus gets a great advantage on maneuvers, as he can easily push the enhancement to +5 (greater magic weapon + Arcane Pool), which would give an additional +10 on Disarm, Trip, Dirty Trick and Reposition maneuvers, which are among the best anyway.

The rest is correct. Spell Combat using True Strike almost ensures that your maneuver succeeds. But you spend a spell and an attack, the enemy only needs a move to get up again (provoking AoOs no less), so that's kind of balanced.

BTW, it seems to be an omission on the designers part, but the weapon ability should also apply to sunder, as that maneuver is clearly done with the weapon. Sunder is neither listed under the maneuvers supported, nor under those not supported...

Scarab Sages

Actually, I'm going to be using a wand of true strike with wand wielder from now on. True strike is one of those tiny number of spells that the caster level is irrelevant.

And yes, they can stand right back up again. But they won't get a full attack action in addition to (hopefully) taking several AoO hits.

Plus I can just trip them again and/or take the weapon.

Recently I used the combo to take away the spear from the BBEG. The write-up only had him listed with a dagger as a backup. None of the special feats and abilities applied to the dagger.

I also used it to take a way the holy symbol from a divine caster BBEG. there were very few of the spells that he could cast without it.

When I am up against something that can not be tripped or disarmed, then I just behave as a generic magus and whale away on them with my flail and chill touch.

It has been working very well so far.

But I think I am going to have to save up to purchase the dueling enhancement very quickly! That is just too good to pass up.

Jorin wrote:

So at 5th level I only have to roll a 3 or better to trip a storm giant. That is pretty sweet.

Have I got that correct?

Yes, except you can only trip a creature one size category larger than you are.

Scarab Sages

Majuba wrote:
Jorin wrote:

So at 5th level I only have to roll a 3 or better to trip a storm giant. That is pretty sweet.

Have I got that correct?

Yes, except you can only trip a creature one size category larger than you are.

Carpola! Ok, I forgot that. It's still pretty darn good. Most of our opponents are within a size category. Plus I can get enlarge person to get another size category.

Jorin wrote:
this is the dueling from the PFS Field Guide

The Dueling Weapon ability does not seem to be in the SRD. Is the Pathfinder Society Field Guide somehow not an official pathfinder product? Or was that ability later removed as errata?

Scarab Sages

harzerkatze wrote:
Jorin wrote:
this is the dueling from the PFS Field Guide
The Dueling Weapon ability does not seem to be in the SRD. Is the Pathfinder Society Field Guide somehow not an official pathfinder product? Or was that ability later removed as errata?

I don't use the SRD much. I can't access it at work and at home I just use my books. So I'm not too familiar with what does or does not end up in it and why.

It is certainly an official Paizo product that is used for PFS. I'm not sure you can get much more official than that. It is where all the lore wardens come from.

I can find not official errata on the Society Field Guide on the download page. Is there some where else to look for errata?

Like I said I don't use it much so I don't know if it is true or not. But I have 'heard' that alot of stuff that is PFS only does not end up in the SRD. So the Pathfinder Field Guide, FPS Guide to Play, and PFS rulings are not in the SRD. {shrug} Don't know, maybe someone else can say if that is true or not.

Grand Lodge

Remember that the SRD only contains OGL content, mainly (entirely?) from the hardcovers, so content from the Player Companions, Campaign Settings, and such do not get added the Paizo PRD.

So far as I know, both versions of Dueling are PFS legal, just a bad naming convention issue. Not the first time, nor the last, that two different things wound up with the same name.

+1 Dueling, Dueling can be amusing.

Main thing to remember about your whip, though, is that you can attack at a range (reach) of 15', but, without the appropriate feat chain, cannot be used to do lethal damage, nor take AoOs.

Sorry, I have both a Magus (Kensai, Blade Bound) and a whip-wielding Lore Warden Fighter in PFS, 7th and 8th level, respectively.

Scarab Sages

Yes, I already have whip mastery and will get improved whip mastery soon.

kinevon wrote:

Remember that the SRD only contains OGL content, mainly (entirely?) from the hardcovers, so content from the Player Companions, Campaign Settings, and such do not get added the Paizo PRD.

So far as I know, both versions of Dueling are PFS legal, just a bad naming convention issue. Not the first time, nor the last, that two different things wound up with the same name.

I checked, e.g. the agile weapon ability of that book IS in the SRD. So it seems they just left the other out because their database only holds one ability of that name. Generally the Pathfinder Society Field Guide is officially part of the SRD.

But man, a +10 luck bonus to manuevers for +1 price? That's incredibly powerful for a maneuver magus like mine. Amulet of Mighty Fists for 4.000 gp, here I come.


d20pfsrd is not a Paizo site, it's third party, and as of late I encourage people (especially those playing PFS) to stop using it as a reference, due to errors, omissions, and third party additions.

Scarab Sages

Nefreet wrote:
d20pfsrd is not a Paizo site, it's third party, and as of late I encourage people (especially those playing PFS) to stop using it as a reference, due to errors, omissions, and third party additions.

Can not confirm it, but I was told some of the entries are typed in as the person thinks they were intended to work rather than as written in the published material.

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