Custom Item: The Beads of Sun Wukong

Homebrew and House Rules

Silver Crusade

I'm currently running Jade Regent for some friends and I like to give my players custom magic items to play with.

For my monk player I've been toying around with the idea of the Monkey King Sun Wukong and I came up with this:

Beads of Sun Wukong:

Beads of Sun Wukong
Aura strong transmutation; CL 20th
Slot neck; Weight

This set of massive prayer beads confers upon any monk who wears them the powers of the Monkey King, Sun Wukong.

Upon donning the beads, the player grows a prehensile monkey tail. The monk can use this tail to retrieve a stored item as a swift action. This tail can be used to hold items but cannot manipulate them (The tail cannot activate a wand or wield a weapon or a shield). The monk also gains the ability to speak with monkeys and apes and any monkey or ape is considered helpful.

While wearing the beads, any quarterstaff in the monk's hand is considered a +1 adamantine weapon. As a swift action, the wielder can give the weapon the reach property or remove the reach property. The quarterstaff loses these properties the moment it leave's the monk's possession.

Three times per day, the monk can transform into any animal as per the spell beast shape II. The monk can maintain this form for 1 minutes per monk level. While in animal form, the monk retains his prehensile tail.

Once per day, the monk can summon a cloud that will carry him. This ability functions as the spell fly and lasts 1 minute per monk level.

Looking for thoughts/suggestions/criticism. I'm trying to keep the item in line with the lore of Sun Wukong.

Silver Crusade

I've also been thinking about making it so that when wearing the beads, if you burn a ki point to give yourself a +20 to your jump it doubles it to +40

Liberty's Edge

Are these meant to replace all of the loot in the AP?

Silver Crusade

lol, no. Just a fun item.

So inspiration for this:

Sun Wukong wields the Ruyi Jingu Bang, a magical rod gifted to him by Ao Kuang, Dragon King of the East Sea. It is an iron rod that weighs thousands of kilograms and can extend/shrink to any size Sun Wukong wishes

He also has his 72 transformations that allows him to turn into other animals and objects.

He has his Somersault Cloud with allows him to leap thousands of miles in a single leap.

Idea was to distill down some of these ideas into a powerful artifact.

Liberty's Edge

Have you tried to price this item ?

I feel that it gives far too many different things. I would separate it in a whole panoply of Sun Wukong : belt (for the tail), quarterstaff, beads (for the shapechanging), cloud.

Also, I feel that making monkey/ape immediately helpful is too much. Great potential for abuse by a cunning player AND deprives you of great NPC interaction (ie, negotiating with the monkeys).

How about instead of 1 multipurpose high CL item, divide it into a couple of low CL magic items?

You can divide it.. let's see... Sun Wukong's Circlet for the monkey talk, Sun wukong's belt for the monkey tail, sun wukong's boots for the jump (yeah, a monk surely need another boost for his jump check), A whistle for the cloud, Sun Wukong's staff, etc. Plus, give these items a bonus if the monk wears them all, that is, the beast shape ability.

Silver Crusade

The black raven wrote:
Have you tried to price this item?

I'm not really good with the pathfinder pricing rules.

The black raven wrote:
Also, I feel that making monkey/ape immediately helpful is too much. Great potential for abuse by a cunning player AND deprives you of great NPC interaction (ie, negotiating with the monkeys).

Good idea.

Brutu wrote:

How about instead of 1 multipurpose high CL item, divide it into a couple of low CL magic items?

You can divide it.. let's see... Sun Wukong's Circlet for the monkey talk, Sun wukong's belt for the monkey tail, sun wukong's boots for the jump (yeah, a monk surely need another boost for his jump check), A whistle for the cloud, Sun Wukong's staff, etc. Plus, give these items a bonus if the monk wears them all, that is, the beast shape ability.

I like this idea. Regalia of Sun Wukong.

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