Pre-Core Rulebook Releases

Product Discussion

Are books released before the Pathfinder Core Rulebook compatable with the pathfinder rpg or will they be released again under the new rules?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Paizo's policy appears to be not to update books ... unless they go out of print AND are vital to the line (eg. the Campaign Setting). With PF being backwards compatible with 3.5, it's not much of a problem.

For example, the only crunch in The Great Beyond was monsters, which got all updated in Bestiary 2.

(Although I would love a rewrite of Dragons Revisited, for fluff reasons.)

I get the sense that they're leaving the door open for rereleasing APs and other pre-Pathfinder CRB materials, but not until they flesh out the campaign world a bit more and produce the Ultimate series. Meanwhile the fan-base have converted some of the APs to PFRPG rules. I'm running Legacy of Fire and the updated encounters are available on


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