Sorcerer spells to battle outsiders


I am looking for recommendations for a sorcerer spell list aimed at battling outsiders at higher levels. The core concept is an infernal bloodline tiefling sorcerer. With outsiders being very resistant to the usual fire, cold, electricity types of damage, as well as that pesky spell resistance, one has to pick their spells carefully.

Dark Archive

Dismissal. For all intents and purposes this is a Will save or die vs outsiders

Just be sure to invest in spell penetration and greater spell penetration.

Glitterdust is good too. No SR, and many outsiders don't have the best will saves. My non mythic sorceror keep some very mythic demons at bay for a long time with this spell.

I've gotten my best results with haste and enlarge person.

Tahe Piercing spell end don't worry about SR again. Couple it with charm spells that you have an increased DC thanks to your arcana.

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