The Skinsaw Murders - My Thoughts and possible spoilers

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Having just finished the final scenario of the Skinsaw Murders in a four character solo game (using Valeros, Seoni, Merisiel, and Kyra), I wanted to share my thoughts on this amazingly rewarding experience.

To begin with, however, let me offer a huge thank you to the creators of this game, and to everyone on the forums. It is indeed a pleasure to find such an helpful group of players who share a love for the PACG and everything that goes with it.

With that said, I thoroughly enjoyed my playthough of this campaign. The first three acenarios were challenging (I actually ran out of time during Undead Uprising thanks to continually rolling 1's and 2's after fighting the necro) but I seemed to breeze through the last two, thanks in part of Seoni who actually was the one to defeat the final three villains. The new haunt mechanic was great, and I only managed to defeat the Skinsaw Man on the last turn of that game, and only then by the skin of my proverbial teeth.

Strangely enough Seoni encountered Xanesha in the Shadow Clock right after the falling bell barrier, which brought back all kinds of awesome memories.

All in all I found playing a four character game quite challenging, sometimes frustrating, but constantly rewarding, and I am looking forward to the next campaign deck. In the meantime, I think I might run through with the scenarios again, starting from the beginning, with a two character party.

Thanks for reading!

Nice to hear some thoughts on this and glad to hear it continues to be fun after Burnt Offerings. Maybe you should post this as a review on the product page of the deck as well?

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