Critique my Evangelist / Sohei build


Its been quite a while since I've had a chance to game, and I may have another chance to soon; I'm not looking for a power-gaming experience, but I don't want to be a drag on a party...

Sword Sage / 'Yamabushi'

RP Theme: Robed swordsman trained by a loose order of wandering warrior-mystics with ancient roots in the worship of Shizuru. The order is not affiliated with a particular region or temple, worshipping Shizuru in the abstract (Sun); they are exotic everywhere, but not out of place anywhere. As Evangelists, their Sermonic Performances are ancient war chants rather than mundane and annoying preaching. While they tend to emerge from their training with a lawful mentality, many embrace their mysticism and become neutral good.

Evangelist Cleric of Shizuru / Sohei Monk (1)
Aasimar; deathless spirit, incorruptible, scion of humanity
Traits: Magical Knack, Deft Dodger

STR 14
DEX 12
CON 14
INT 12
WIS 18(16) +
CHA 9(7)

1 Monk - *Dodge / Crane Style
3 Cleric - Weapon Focus: Katana
5 Cleric - Crusader's Flurry
7 Cleric - Channel Smite
9 Cleric - Guided Hand
11 Cleric - Crane Wing
13 Cleric - Crane Riposte
15 Cleric - Power Attack

Strategy - Monkish Combat Cleric with a big bag of party buff, better spell DC than a strength cleric, and the benefits of unarmored speed and acrobatics.

Offense: Katana with Flurry + Wisdom-to-AB + Sermonic Performance (Inspire Courage) + Aura of Heroism + Divine Power. By level 8, Divine Power, Inspire Courage and Aura of Heroism as Standard/Move/Swift in one round for +4AB +2Damage for party and another +2AB +2Damage for self.

Defense: Wisdom to AC and CMD, high saves, reasonable HP. Crane Style for extra defense needs.

What lvl will you start? You don't take Guided Hand until lvl 9, if you start at a lower lvl it will be tough times for you.

Yeah the ab is weak at the start with 14 strength. The hope is to compensate with katana focus at 3 (which I need anyhow) and the extra flurry attack at 5; then its at least two attacks with whatever buffs I can scratch up. Its not ideal, but sohei1/evangelistX can't take guided hand until 7 at the earliest anyhow because of channel energy starting late. For a lower level campaign I'd want to play it human and not evangelist so I could grab channel smite -> guided quickly.

You see for yourself that the build is not progressing nicely. Consider lowering your Wisdom and increasing your Str, ditching guided hand entirely. Or ditch Evangelist and take your first lvl with cleric so that you can have Channel Smite and Guided Hand at 3rd lvl. The Heroism subdomain (Glory domain) is a good one, the others are mediocre so I would suggest in this case to take the Theologian archetype.

You also have Crusader's Flurry in there that should be taken asap. I would take either Crusader's flurry with a Str based build or Guided Hand in combination with a MoMS Monk for getting rid of flurry. The later will give you earlier access to Crane Wing too.

From the two options I actually prefer the Str based PC. You are not interested for a primary caster cleric anyway, your monk dip shows that. Starting with 14 Wisdom will serve you fine for casting buffs and bc spells that require no save. You can wear armor and flurry anyway, so no need to have Wisdom to AC too. The medium armor proficiency lost from Evangelist is painful though, I would prefer Theologian in this case too.

I know that you try to combine the best of both worlds, but as I see it you mostly gain the problems of these worlds with your progression.

Evangelist also does not synergize well with a low charisma at lower levels. The number of rounds per day you can use Inspire Courage is still charisma based... Not the end of the world, but something to consider.

Here's your to-hit, % chance to hit, and dpr a creature of appropriate CR, lvl by lvl, with +1 weapon, wis headband, wis bump at 8, and buffs up:
hit ctc dpr
1 1 45 9
2 3 45 11
3 5 50 12
4 6 45 11
5 8 50 13
6 9 50 14
7 11 55 18
8 12 55 23
9 19 80 56
10 20 80 56

+1 to hit when you have inspire courage up (+2 at level 6), +2 from heroism at level 9, and +1 from divine favor (+2 at level 4, which divine power continues). -2 from using crane style(-1 one you get crane riposte). When you get power attack, that's going to hurt a bit.

at level 9 with inspire courage, heroism, divine power, you're hitting at +19/+19/+19/+14. 14 gives you a 55% chance to hit. You have 19 rounds of performance a day, 8 rounds of heroism, and 2 slots to cast divine power. At 10, it's 21 rounds/9 rounds/3 slots. Not terrible. Without charisma your channels and rounds of performance are somewhat limited though.

Some of the math might be a little off but overall not terrible. The first 8 levels will be rough.

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