"Come and Get Me" rage power.....

Rules Questions

The text of the power states:

'While raging, as a free action the barbarian may leave herself open to attack while preparing devastating counterattacks. Enemies gain a +4 bonus on attack and damage rolls against the barbarian until the beginning of her next turn, but every attack against the barbarian provokes an attack of opportunity from her, which is resolved prior to resolving each enemy attack.'

Are the number of AOO the Barb would get when being attacked limited by their normal number of AOO's? IF the Barb had an 8 Dex would they get no additional AOO? If they have an 18Dex do they get 4 more? If it really every attack provokes?

If surronded by 6 goblins would the Barb get an AOO against all 6 of them attacking?

If the Barb is fighting a lvl 7 warrior that get 2 attacks would each of those attacks provoke also?

They would provoke, yes.

But there's nothing in the power that says the Barbarian can TAKE all of these AoOs. Come and Get Me does not modify your number of AoOs per round at all.

Dark Archive

You need Combat Reflexes and a high Dexterity, or Mythic Combat Reflexes, to take full advantage of Come and Get Me.

There's also a rage power for +1 AoO per round, but that always seemed like a waste of what is essentially a feat, to me.

I'm now picturing two "Come and Get Me" barbarians standing next to each other, and the messy chain of AoO's that would result.

5 of the 6 goblins Scrogz, from your example.

I prefer to just combine CaGM with Dazing Assault. Sure, you won't do nearly as much damage. But that's because there's less attacks for you to counter. And why are there less attacks for you to counter? Oh, right...because you robbed them of their turns before they could even complete their first attacks! :D

Majuba wrote:
I'm now picturing two "Come and Get Me" barbarians standing next to each other, and the messy chain of AoO's that would result.

There's a game called Disgaea that has just that actually. Also has escalating damage for counter attacks. Funny when you see it happens.

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