Doing it wrong?

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

I've been having a quite easy time defeating combat checks so far and I'm starting to think I'm playing things all wrong making me too powerful. Some instances says add add die + dx, some just say add +dx which I think might have confused me.
The way I've been playing it for say a combat check is add the die used (say d10), then reveal weapon (whatever) that says add combat die + d8 and sum that up as 2d10+d8 making it fairly easy to roll high.
Starting to think when it says combat die it just means "whatever the base is" and add just the d8?? for a d10+d8.
Can't seem to find the specifics for this making it clear in the rules.

Yeah a combat check is just your strength die vs the combat difficulty of the monster.

If using a weapon (or a spell) to increase your combat check you don't add the bonus to your initial check, you replace the check with the one listed on the card.

Eg. if you have a melee weapon you can reveal it to change your combat check to your melee skill (or strength if you don't have melee) plus an additional dice (d8 in your example).

So check becomes Str + melee bonus (if applicable)+ weapon bonus


Dex + ranged bonus (if applicable) + weapon bonus (for ranged attacks).

Without any weapons (or spells) in your hand you have to resort to your Strength to defeat combat checks.

Certain characters (Lini, Seoni, perhaps more but I haven't played them yet) allow you to discard a card for a one-off combat check using other dice. This is handy for when you are weaponless (or spell-less).

Hope that helps

Valeros has:
STR = 1d10

He is carrying a weapon which ssys "Reveal this to use your STR/MELEE + 1d8 for your combat check".

He faces a Monster with a Combat 10 check.

He uses the weapon so his dice pool becomes:

Weapon = (MELEE + 1d8)
... => STR + 3 + 1d8
... => 1d10 + 3 + 1d8
So you would roll 1d10 + 1d8 + 3

Which has a range of 5-21 and an average of 13.

If you play a blessing as well which says "add a die to the check" then you would add your basic skill die (1d10 in this case, since STR is the basis for a Melee check), and give you a total of 2d10 + 1d8 + 3.

Which gives you a range of 6-31 for your roll, with an average just over 18.

Valeros rarely has to worry about combat ;)

Lini on the other hand, if she has no weapons, starts out with just 1d4 (her base STR) for combat checks so she needs to get creative to beat things up!

I hope that helps.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

So have you tried it yet? The game probably because a lot more challenging and a lot more fun too!

Yes, and I feel a bit stupid. It feels a bit like it seemed clear at first but the more you play the more confused you get about things. I was wondering when to use str or dex for combat but realized it's always str (melee) unless you use a weapon that switches it to dex. I've managed to take 2 chars through the first adventure now though (took a few reruns with Merile (sp?) and was a bit tight. A massive problem so early on is the lack of magic weapons so you have a hard time getting rid of some monsters and locations can be very hard to close unless Blackfang shows up so they autoclose.
I don't think it's illegal, but if your char deck is running low and a bad combat can kill you, it's legal to be a coward and just pass each turn until the blessings run out right?
I'm thinking of selecting two characters that work well together and run the adventure path, but not sure which ones to chose yet.

You can be a coward if you like, but you'll know inside that you ran and hid when the call for heroes came ;)

There's no penalty for doing this, but I like to use a house rule for it and that seems to work really well.

My personal preference is also to play solitaire with 6 characters rather than just 1 or 2, but you need both a big table and a big brain to keep track of everything! It's awesome fun, though ;)

Maybe later when I got all rules down better so I get a better flow on things, also going to try and recruit some players to play with as company is always more fun.

Try this to get a better handle on the game flow:

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