ironnic |

So I'm running a Dire WereRat Arcane Trickster. I have Two Weapon Fighting as a feat and a bite attack in hybrid form.
If I cast Chill Touch, how do those attacks work? The way I see it, they should be:
Touch -2 / Touch -2 / Bite -5
Is the bite at -5 or -7 with the TWF penalty added?
Can that bite attack also be used as a touch attack instead of against full AC? Obviously there would be no bite damage added to it, but that's not what I'm going for anyway. The plan is to get in flanking and do 3 touch attacks with sneak damage added on all if they hit.
Am I doing this right?

ironnic |

Well I found my own answers. I looked for a bit, but obviously I didn't dig enough before I posted. Here are the two posts that answered all my questions if you're interested:
touch spells and natural attacks
two weapon fighting plus natural attacks
Looks like I could do 3 touch attacks once the spell is charged:
-2 (primary)/-2 (off-hand)/-5 (secondary bite)

ironnic |

Oh man. Now that I'm home from work, I just read the full post with what JJ said about touch spells and iterative attacks and touch spells. So... nevermind. All the sudden my plan took a nose dive. Guess I'll focus on other things instead of 2WF with touch spells.
Seems crazy though that iterative attacks wouldn't work with charged spells.