Selective Channeling Question...

Rules Questions

I played Skull and Shackles today and had a rules questions. I'm a new DM and am learning, and did not know how to proceed so made a ruling for today and figure I needed to find out for future...

The cleric had cast an "Obscuring Mist" that limits vision to 5 feet in front of your character. It then wanted to channel, but exclude people from the burst effect. Do you need to have a line of sight to exclude folks if you can't see them...Channel will heal folks even if you can't see them it says. But if you want to exclude them, shouldn't you have to pinpoint where you're not going to have the burst effect happen. Not just somewhere over there in the mist, I will not have affected?!?

I ruled it today that he needed to be able to see to determine who he was excluding, since the party was engaged in combat and he was trying to decide based on sound who to include and who not to include. If all he can hear is combat, then he could exclude both of the combatants, but not just one of them or 50% chance that he got wrong one since He's guessing based on sound location?!?

Help!?! Am I making this way too complicated?

Read the section below the write up.

Grand Lodge

You must target the creatures you want to exclude, which has the same requirement as casting a targeted spell on them - you must either see them or touch them.

Thank you. I did this one right... just got lucky :) ROFL

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