Longitudes on the Inner Sea

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Anyone figure out the general longitude lines across the Inner Sea? Im working on some randome weather for my next few sessions and suddenly realized they werent included on the map? It seems (at a glance of the Golarion map in the World Guide) that the equator should be about the bottom of the standard Inner Sea Region map.


Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I take it you mean latitude, right? I seem to recall that James Jacobs has said something to the effect that the equator is still a ways off south from the south edge of the Inner Sea Region map.

EDIT: found the conversation I had in mind, from the Ask JJ anything thread:

James Jacobs wrote:
xidoraven wrote:

7a. Let's talk technical geographical reference on Garund for a moment. Is the equator located on or off the map of the Inner Sea? I thought I had seen a map with this reference point (or showing that it was north of the equator on the Inner-Sea's southernmost reach), but I may confusing this with the Kingdoms of Kalamar atlas....

7b. We are told the portion on this map is the top "one-third" - is this a rough approximation, or is this a pretty good guideline for total area (land mass in square miles), distance from the map's southern edge (miles from north to south), or both?
7c. Can you give a guess as to where the equator of Golarion might be located, if it is not on the Inner Sea map? Also, since it might also cross over Casmaron (probably Vudra), and Tian Xia, where might that be as well? *ASSUMING* Golarion *has* an equator....?

7a) The equator is indeed a bit south of the bottom edge of the map of the Inner Sea. The tropic line more or less runs right through the Mana Wastes, whereas the Arctic Circle is off the map to the north.

7b) The top "one-third" is an approximation, but a pretty close one. It MIGHT be closer to the top one-fourth. My basic idea is that IF we map out southern Garund, we could do so by making an equally sized map to the Inner Sea region that would fit right up to the edge and would cover all of Garund that's not shown.

7c) The equator absolutely passes over Casmaron and Tian Xia. I've a map around here somewhere that shows the exact location of where the equator passes over Tian Xia... I also have a blue beach ball on which I've sketched out the shapes of the entire world. On that globe, the equator passes through Tian-Xia right through Nagajor and Xa Hoi and along the volcanic range there. It pretty much runs along the northern end of Vudra, right through the middle of Arcadia, and across the southern edges of shattered Azlant. For Garund it more or less passes a few hundred miles south of the bottom edge of the Inner Sea map. I don't have the exact numbers handy, though.

Another thing: James also indicated on several occasions that Magnimar is more or less supposed to be on the same latitude as Seattle in our world, and weather patterns should probably be similar.

Ugg, yes Latitude... God, thats embarrassing.

Ok, it seems fair to compare the Inner Sea region then to part of Scandanavia, Europe, the Mediterranean and North to Mid Africa. Looking at it this way its fairly easy to imagine weather and seasonal climate etc.


rgrove0172 wrote:

Ugg, yes Latitude... God, thats embarrassing.

Ok, it seems fair to compare the Inner Sea region then to part of Scandanavia, Europe, the Mediterranean and North to Mid Africa. Looking at it this way its fairly easy to imagine weather and seasonal climate etc.

Yeah, that's pretty much the idea. They're basically the same as real-world climates. Keep in mind, though, that much like Europe in real life, Avistan's climate is actually a fair bit warmer than you might expect from its latitude. Presumably there's something like the North Atlantic Current in the Azlanti Ocean. :)

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I did not make this map, but I use it regularly to determine day/night cycles.

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