Sticky thread weirdness

Website Feedback

Sometimes when I look at my Messageboard page (which is set to Hide ø, Flatten, Unfocused), I see Sticky threads from my open forums. Other times I don't.

I don't actually mind seeing the sticky threads except that there are three I can't seem to hide. I have successfully hidden others; the inability to get rid of the ones I really don't care about is kind of irritating.

Okay, I was able to get them to go away by going into their individual forums and hiding them there. But it's still weird that the site can't seem to decide if sticky threads are supposed to be in the default display or not.

Aaand now they're back in the main display.

My last video bug report was apparently helpful, so I made another.

And a sequel, demonstrating the recurrence.

Yea, I see this bug often as well. I just refresh the page, and it goes back to normal. It happens in any of my forum tabs.

Still busted. Any hope of getting it fixed?

Update: It's only the threads in the organized play forums. I've successfully hidden all the sticky threads in the RotRL discussion area, for instance, and they stay hidden no problem. It's only the PFS threads that won't go away.

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

Thank you for letting us know about this—I'm not sure right now when we'll be able to revisit that code but it's helpful to know it's still a problem.

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