St@rm@n |

I posted this elsewhere and the realised why not create the thread I suggested.
It would be really great if this was just left for Paizo to respond to rather than used for some as q target to flame. I am happy to wait although the longer it is the more chance I will cancel my subscription. The only reason I haven't is I thinker s a very good game here just for now anew for me its too messy. I am sure others felt the same and some may even think its part of its charm.
This one threw me and there are now about half a dozen card and main rules that are under due consideration according to Mike.
If this was the only game I played it wouldn't be too bad. I am really waiting for this all to be cleared up there is a lot of cross reference with the faq for rules and cards. Its not that I cant manage this I do at work but it breaks the theme and for me is no longer fun.
What is needed is an updated digital rules and cards , followed by POD cards ASAP. Then I will relearn the rules, I hope it happens soon or I may cancel my preorder/subscription. So shelved for now. Please don't criticize me for my choice of how I spend my leisure time. I could create an update my self but as a single dad with a technical job (Engineer + Regulation + Compliance) my free time is limited. The game is less finished then I thought , one or two fundamental rules changes and maybe some general card rules would have been OK. This is now well beyond that so until then I will wait.
What I would like is one thread to RSS that I can monitor to see progress on this , until then for me it is wasting my time checking posts on the forum and a bit disconcerting seeing even more issues adding to the list.

h4ppy |

Could I make just one post?
Is this thread a general request for PoD cards and a new rulebook, or are there specific areas of the rules that you think are not clearly defined (or in a state of flux) at the moment?
If you could list the rules/areas that you think need to be further clarified then it would give Paizo a clear indication of what you, as an experienced but now disgruntled player, think they could usefully be working on.

St@rm@n |

You can make any posts , I just want the spirit of the request honoured but that may not be possible.
I haven't been keeping a record of which items have Mike's or Vic's response as something similar to we are working on it and will have an answer. I think its at least 6 and some of the issues are for me fundemental to the playing of the game or the strategy of playing the game.
some are in response to my questions and other to yours so I know you re aware of them.
To answer your question it is more a placeholder for the release of a new rulebook and PoD cards.
I have given up trying to keep up with the changes many are game changers.
When the FAQ was mainly for clarification and only a few impacted the rules it wasn't to bad but now it appears that way but really a lot of the FAQ's are more than clarification and they change the meaning of the rules.
How many times have we seen the comment "you are playing it that way because you are playing the rules as read" which is how I want to play a game.
I am waiting for a version that merges the rules part of the FAQ and Rules and provides general guidance for interpreting the cars , bearing in mind cards override rules. the FAQ shuold be in IMO for further clarification.
I am not looking for every detail but some things are fundemental and you should not have to provide an unofficial timing guide it should be a basic part of the rules book , so the one on the back needs updating. I appreciate your effort , I think in some ways it is to detailed but that just shows how much is required to interpret things from the rules. Its lie a second rulebook.
The last straw for me was including damage reduction within the encounter check. How could I miss that if I had read it that way initially great no issue but now every game I played was wrong (to me its like cheating) and all I achieved invalidated and I didnt even learn the game or its strategies, so much I played wrong.
I put in time like many others to give it a chance but for everyone who did there is maybe 50 or a hunderd that have given up or will be hacked off when someone points out that they are playing wrong.
I know they meant well but IMO their playtest developent appears to have been narrow and they didnt grab enough contributors outside of their groups and within their target audience. I saw no reuests tat I can recall on BGG or CSW or in any of their preview videos or demos. The latter came across as though it had been really well thought through and polished well that has been proven wrong. 80% their yes much better than a lot of other games but then they aren't a little company and this is not their first game.
I haven't givn up but the more i am reminded of it the more peeved I am at wasting so much precious time over the last month +. Here I am throwing more good time after bad. There are so many good games out there now and I am off to play one, between parental, domestic and social commitments.

St@rm@n |

I thought you were Mike and it will be so much easier to play with it arrives and i dont have towork out when is any not any , a die a die and a die a skill and a trait added to a skill , when can I use a card or not use a card ...etc
This is to create a bookmark so I know when its available.
Every time I read the forum the game seems to change and I don't want all the wrong stuff and arguments in my head. Also there are a few on the forums who are quite rude to anyone asking simple questions even obvious newcommers. I think you handle it very well but I have met things to do than having to effectively pay to be insulted e.g. buy game , try to understand it and get insulted for it. This is not aimed at Paizo or yourself.
Maybe you could email subscribers when its available.

![]() |

I seriously hope Paizo either releases an errata deck (free or at cost) once Rise of the Runelords is fully released, or the Print on Demand idea goes ahead. Otherwise it will feel as though the game is a beta.
There's already an entire thread where Paizo invites discussion about how they're going to handle this: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2q6el?Updated-cards-what-to-do

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Horselord wrote:I seriously hope Paizo either releases an errata deck (free or at cost) once Rise of the Runelords is fully released, or the Print on Demand idea goes ahead. Otherwise it will feel as though the game is a beta.There's already an entire thread where Paizo invites discussion about how they're going to handle this: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2q6el?Updated-cards-what-to-do
Thanks, I've put my 2c there. It's good to see Paizo supporting their customers.

St@rm@n |

@Mike , On a lot of the posts your answers have stated that a decision is pending as you alude to above.
Whilst I (and hopefully others) am waiting for the updated rule book and/or these answers being posted to thet FAQ, could you please list those rules that are under consideration for revision or clarification?
I haven't been making notes but I trust you have a list gleaned from here.
I know they include aspects of Playing a card and when exactly an encounter ends and thus limiting when damage prevention can be played are amongst them.
There are losts of fan based answers which didn't stop when you said you need to (paraphrasing here) do due diligence before issuing an official response. I don't always agree with the fan interpretations and often find them confusing, which in at least one case you agreed that was the case.
I had hoped it would be released by now as I would like to start playing the game before the October Release.

St@rm@n |

@St@rm@n - there's a thread where Vic is working on a revised turn definition and asking for feedback on the suggested wording. You might want to take a look and add your input:
@Happy thanks I will take a look. I am still waiting for the tidy up. I hav lost track of all the changes, apart from those in the FAQ. I was asked last game night about it and I had to be honet and say we played quite a lot wrong and I wsn't to cler on how some of the fundemental rules should be played. We have character sheets ready to go and one of the guys will be happy to buy a game for the club nights. The odd card mistake wont be a big issue but we don't want to invest club time and then find we have been playing it wrong.
Interestingly I saw a new session posted by a first time player and he said he had o rules issues , I decided not to point him to your FAQ , that is how I felt until I checked in here and found out how wrong I was.
@Mike and thanks again, I am still waiting , sorry for the push , I have left it two weeks and decided to pop in after the subject was brought up at club night.

St@rm@n |

@St@rm@n - there's a thread where Vic is working on a revised turn definition and asking for feedback on the suggested wording. You might want to take a look and add your input:
Thankyou that post is 90% of what I have been waiting for, there are some other changes in the pipeline but Vic's rule updates make the fundemental rules sequence and the process they each follow , IMO , clear and unambiguous.