Reaper Minis Kickstarter pt 2 (ends Oct 26, 2013)

Gamer Life General Discussion

Just when your credit card thought it was safe...

Reaper Miniatures Bones II: The Return Of Mr Bones!

Yep, they're doing another one, and this time it looks like shipping is being handled in the order in which you select your base level pledge. Be eager to see how high this one goes, it's already up $100K from when I first saw it earlier today. O_O

Liberty's Edge

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My mom tossed in on this one. She got Wave 2 as they are apparently doing the pledge as either $1 and add in the add-ons or $100 for the core plus add-ons. Like before the add-ons cost extra.

The pledges are being done in waves. The waves represent when they believe they should be starting shipping for that group of pledgers. So basically the size of your order will not be a factor. The wave you pledged in will be the factor of when you get it.

Also they plan to do updates twice a month once it ends even if they have nothing to report. Reaper just shut down for the night and they were at about 949,000 dollars right before I posted this.

Annother thread talking about it

I didn't even realize there was a mini's forum — must have it collapsed I guess. Thanks.

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