First level dual class

Homebrew and House Rules

Hi all!
I'm toying around with a way to allow biclasses at first level, so that you could be, say, a full wizard/rogue at level 2 without stretching the story too far.

You have to be a class level 1 / class level 1 character at character level 2.

- Hit dice uses the highest of the two classes at first level, then the lower one at second level.
- Skill points are added up and halved at first level. If a skill is class skill for both classes, it's a class skill for the biclass, otherwise it'll become a class skill at level 2. For example, a wizard/rogue would get (2+8)/2 = 5 base skill points plus his INT modifier at both 1st and 2nd level, and his class skills at 1st level are Appraise, Craft, Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (local) and Linguistics.
- BAB at first level is +1 if both classes have a +1 BAB at first level, otherwise it's +0.
- Save bonuses from both classes are added up and halved at first level.
For all purposes, you count as a level 1 class in both your classes at first level, but your total character level is 1.
- Weapon and Armor proficiencies are those of both classes, so a fighter/wizard could wear full plate armor and use a greatsword, although the armor would impair his spellcasting.

Each class grants the following benefits during the first, combined level. At 2nd level, as a regular multiclass, you get the full benefits of being a 1st level class in both your classes. If you get 0 slots from a given level, you can only cast spells if your spellcasting stat is high enough to grant a bonus slot. If a feature like diminished spellcasting would lower your slots to -1 or less, you can't cast spells of that level.
- Barbarian: Rage 2+CON rounds per day
- Bard: Bardic Performance 2+CHA rounds per day, countersong, distraction, fascinate, inspire courage +1, 3 cantrips known, 1 first level spell known, 0 first level spell slots.
- Cleric: Domains, 2 orisons, 0 first level spell slots, 1 first level domain slot.
- Druid: Nature Bond, Wild Empathy (but only a +0 bonus from the druid level), 2 orisons, 0 first level spell slots.
- Fighter: Nothing, but you do get all the Fighter's proficiencies.
- Monk: Flurry of Blows (attack bonus -2/-2 unless the other class has a BAB of +1), Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, 1d6 unarmed damage, AC bonus.
- Paladin: Detect Evil
- Ranger: Wild Empathy (but only a +0 bonus from the ranger level, unless the other class is Druid), 1st Favored Enemy.
- Rogue: Sneak Attack +1d6
- Sorcerer: Bloodline power, eschew material, 3 cantrips known, 1 first level spell known, 2 first level spell slots.
- Wizard: Arcane Bond, Arcane School, 2 cantrips, 0 first level spell slots, 1+INT first level spells recorded into the spellbook.

- Alchemist: Bomb 1d6 (INT times per day only), Alchemy, Mutagen, Throw Anything, 0 extracts per day, 1+INT first level formulae recorded into the formula book.
- Cavalier: Mount, Order
- Inquisitor: Domain, Monster Lore, 3 orisons, 1 first level spell known, 0 first level spell slots.
- Oracle: Mystery, Oracle's Curse, 3 orisons, 1 first level spell known (plus either cure light wounds or inflict light wounds), 2 first level spell slots.
- Summoner: Eidolon (one less point in its evolution pool), Life Link, 3 cantrips, 1 first level spell known, 0 first level spell slots.
- Witch: Witch's Familiar, 2 cantrips, 0 first level spell slots, 1+INT first level spells known by the familiar.

- Antipaladin: Detect Good
- Magus: Arcane pool (INT only), Spell Combat, 2 cantrips, 0 first level spell slots, 1+INT first level spells recorded into the spellbook
- Gunslinger: Gunsmith, Grit, Deeds (only 1 first level deed available, chosen by the character)
- Ninja: Sneak Attack +1d6
- Samurai: Mount, Order

If you use archetypes, replace the gained features with those replaced by the archetype. If an archetype grants a feature at 1st level that doesn't replace any existing feature, that feature should be granted at 2nd level instead.

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