Helic |
A Fabricate spell helps bypassing or at least drastically reducing the extra cost for the constructs body.
This is really difficult to adjudicate, because for the most part, the construct's entries list the cost of the ingredients, not the cost of assembly/construction.
In most cases, it won't save you much regardless. 1000 lbs of clay (or even 5000 lbs of iron) doesn't cost much. This is kind of like how the cost of a magic sword involves a masterwork weapon which is a pittance compared to the overall cost of anything with +2 or better enchantment.
Example: An Iron Golem requires 5000 lbs of iron - worth 500gp. It's smelted with 10000gp worth of rare tinctures. So does that make the raw materials cost 500gp for crafting or 10,500gp? If it's 500gp, you're saving 1000gp using Fabricate. If it's 10,500gp, you're saving 21,000gp with Fabricate. Or is it 10,000gp for the iron and the tinctures? The wording can be read either way (yay English).
Now that we're on the subject, do these costs add atop the enchantment cost? Because the cost of masterwork weapons/armor add atop the enchantment cost of those - though they don't for any other object like Rings/Wands/Staves/etc. And you can't easily backtrace the cost because things like golems have a market price that less than double the construction cost (?).
Confused yet? I sure am. Best to ignore all those 'ingredient' costs because they are in FLUFF TEXT, not the construction listing. An Iron Golem costs 80,000gp to make unless you have something like Hedge Wizard to specifically alter the enchantment cost.
Speaking of which, the Downtime Rules from Ultimate Campaign would be useful, given that earning magical capital to create a construct offers significant savings, at the cost of time. Iron Golems take 80 days (can be lowered to 40 if you bump the DC, more by other feats like Co-operative Crafting).
Speaking of which, having a Cohort with Co-Operative Crafting is a huge boost to construct production. Especially if that cohort is of another spellcasting class (Wizard + Cleric combo FTW).
williamoak |
I'll note the cohort thing. It wont be the best for most of the classes, but it's still useful.
In any case, I think I'll mark fabricate as a dud, because it only affects crafting costs (it doesnt create free material per se). Plus, it has to be a "Pure material" (IE, all the same material). So I dont know if you can do it for elaborate stuff. You still have to pay for ingredients.
Tels |
Do keep in mind, that with Fabricate, if you mess up sculpting a statue, you can just try again. The material hasn't changed, it just wasn't done right. Just keep casting Fabricate until you succeed, unless of course your normal modifiers won't cut it. Then buff them however you can (Crafter's Fortune, Prayer, Inspire Competence etc.) and re-cast the spell. It might take several tries, but eventually, one should be able to succeed.
williamoak |
A little note: I was looking at the beastiary 4 description, and in the notes it said there would be new rules for building "clockworks and juggernauts". I do believe I will have to pre-order the pdf, and add that stuff to the guide. I think I'll also start looking to reference the many things I put in; everything can be found on the d20pfsrd, but I know some people have book limits.
Edit: I'll also start looking at interesting animate objects builds. I'll include ravingdorks flying castle, but I think i'll also try some sort of bathyscaphe, the mecha-worm mentionned earlier, maybe an airship.
williamoak |
I was reading the rules and I wasn't sure, so I figure I'll ask here and maybe it can then be added to the guide or cleared up at least.
When making an animated object, it says you can increase the amount of CP you use by 2 for each +1 to CR you add to the animated object (and thus DC I would assume). Is this correct? That seems really good getting 2 CP for just +1 DC to create.
Third mind, could you give me a reference for this? I cant find it on the d20pfsrd.
Third Mind |
Here be the link: LINK
Animated objects have a number of Construction Points (CP) used to purchase abilities and defenses in addition to those presented above. A medium animated object has 2 CP; differently sized objects have CP totals as detailed on the size chart on this page. If an animated object spends more CP than its size category would allow, its CR increases by 1 (minimum of +1) for every 2 additional CP spent. (Abilities marked with a * are from sources other than the core rulebook)
There it is. I could be misunderstanding it I suppose, but it seems that if you "go over" your CP by 2 points it just increases your CR (and thus the DC to create it) by 1. If that's the case, I'm wondering if there's anything stopping one from just upping the CR by 3 and making all their constructs adamantine.
On a separate note, I just skimmed your guide, will there by chance be a section on creation of custom constructs and what exactly you could do with them? I've read that one could feasibly make a construct dragon if they had the skill and money.
williamoak |
I dont know, they dont seem to have much details on how to change the creation DC. Per se, there is no DC associated with the "enchantment" of animated objects. They say a "skill" check is entirely optional.
Dont forget, the item has to be made beforehand (IE, if you want to enchant an adamantine item, and have it keep it's hardness, well you've got to use 6 cp. Otherwise it's like cloth. Dont know if you can turn cloth to adamantine).
I have been adding some stuff on crafting constructs (custom), and I've put up a few examples, but there simply isn't much to say. Basically, it follows the same rules as monster creation. I'll try to get more info up (there is a little bit at the end of the document about pricing) but there are a bunch of things that arent clear (namely, how to determine what is a "power" that ups CR and thus price). At the moment, I'm trying to get a coherent picture. I'll get a small write-up on the subject, but much of it will refer to monster creation.
The desciption of the 4th beastiary seems to suggest it will give more rules.
Ipslore the Red |
I've read that one could feasibly make a construct dragon if they had the skill and money.
A construct black dragon would be quite easy. Let's start with an iron golem, since they can already breathe poison gas. Change 10-foot cube of poison to a 30-foot cone of acid, which is probably worth a 1-CR increase at most, switch out fire immunity and healing for acid, and shape the body into the likeness of a dragon instead of a human, spend some more CP on a fly speed, and you have a pretty good construct black dragon. Iron's already the right color, too.
williamoak |
Fake Healer |
Well, I've added a section with an example of a custom construct. I would like to have some comments on what I've put, whether you find it useful, and other comments. This is the most doubtful section yet, since it technically counts as homebrew. I really need some feedback.
strayshift |
The construct examples look fine - perhaps some low level/power ones as the 3 you give are CL 12?
The mathematical layout of the cost benefit analysis I feel would benefit from some elaboration as you say, CR is not necessarily the best marker of the power/usefulness of a construct.
Hope that helps
Tels |
There are a few errors in the statblocks, like Gargantuan creatures naturally have a reach of 15 or 20 ft. I would argue the ship and worm are Long and therefore have a natural reach of 15 ft. (the ship is increased to 20 ft. because it has exceptional reach) while the dragon is tall, and has a natural reach of 20 ft.
I haven't spent much time looking over them, but most everything looks correct. One thing that is bugging me that I haven't taken the time to break down, is that the worm and ship have a Dex of 6 while the dragon has a Dec of 10, with seemingly no reduction in Str. The dragon didn't seem to pay any CP for additional dexterity either, so I'm a little curious about it.
williamoak |
I'll have to check. I based the statblocks off of the preexisting ones, and I might have given it 10 dex for flavor. I'll probably put it down to 6. Per se, there are no guidelines for slight stat changes, so I've been attributing variations to flavor mainly (for animated objects anyway). Could attribute a CP cost, would make more sense.
Are there "standard" statblocks for monster creation? Some of them have ridiculously high stats in all categories for no apparent reason, as well as significant powers, etc. Depsite that, because they have the same HD as other (less powerful) creatures, they are considered the same CR. CR is a confusing guideline.
Tels |
I'll have to check. I based the statblocks off of the preexisting ones, and I might have given it 10 dex for flavor. I'll probably put it down to 6. Per se, there are no guidelines for slight stat changes, so I've been attributing variations to flavor mainly (for animated objects anyway). Could attribute a CP cost, would make more sense.
Are there "standard" statblocks for monster creation? Some of them have ridiculously high stats in all categories for no apparent reason, as well as significant powers, etc. Depsite that, because they have the same HD as other (less powerful) creatures, they are considered the same CR. CR is a confusing guideline.
Most monsters at least 'loosely' follow the Monster Creation guidelines (I used PFSRD instead of PRD as it's actually bookmarked). Typically, the reason for really high attributes, is it is usually to bump up the attack/damage to the average as per the charts in monster creation, bumping con to the average HP, or to bump special ability DCs to meet the averages.
Constructs tend to be more offensive than defensive. Many constructs have low AC, but boosted HP (which means nothing if people can hit you easily), along with a fairly decent offense. Animated Objects tend to have crappy defenses, along with a good 1-2 punch, so they are more offensive than defensive, but don't really excel at either.
Any Construct Creation Guideline will probably double as a Monster Creation Guideline as they both are essentially the same thing. The difference is the Construct Guide will focus more on optimal choices for constructs; be that creating an already existing construct, or a custom one.
James Jacobs may not be 'the rules guy', but that doesn't mean he doesn't know his rules. Whenever someone asks what the CR of a creature is, he always responds that you should compare the creature to the charts in Monster Creation to determine the CR, regardless of what any template, or ability says. A Skeleton that has the Advanced Template tossed on 15 times should be around CR 13, per the rules of the Advanced Template (+1 CR increase), but if you compare him to the charts, he really isn't a CR 13 creature.
Drachasor |
I was looking at Animated Constructs lately. They are a bit weird.
The older rules have the price as (HD+CP)*1k. This seems to imply you can choose how many hit dice a given animated object comes with. Rather hard to do with the CR^2*500 rule.
Prices with both methods are about the same for medium and large Animated Objects with default abilities. They start diverging quite a bit at lower amounts or higher power. On the other hand, there's a firm limit on how many hit dice you can put into one (no more than your level). Sort of nice to add extra hit dice at creation since by the rules it is harder and more limited to do after.
Hard to say exactly which method is better since they both have positives and negatives. CR^2*500 is definitely more sensible for tiny and small animated objects though.
I made a thread on this and some other Animated Object musings/questions.
I did look over the Bestiary 4. It has a few things in there that are nice.
Junk Golem: Fast Healing 2 in junky areas, can become a swarm (counts as a junky area for other Junk Golems). Caster Level 7.
Wax Golem: Vulnerable to fire damage and spells. But can become sentient (not dangerous unless you make it just like a real person who is alive). Caster Level 9.
Soulbound Mannequin: Like a soulbound doll, but better. No minimum caster level and they get some spells and intelligence. Need to sacrifice a creature with a soul, but doesn't specify it must be a sentient creature (could be a pet if you DM allows). No CL requirement!
Souldbound Shell: Much more interesting. You can make a full caster here at 12th level. You have to sacrifice them though to make it. Their spell list is fixed. It would be cool if you could use a Simulacrum, but I doubt a DM would allow it. (Wish there was a Simulacrum Construct). No minimum caster level, but pricey.
Clockwork Mage: A number of people have raved about this, but it just seems to expensive to me and you must have Caster Level 12.
Wyrwood: Interesting thing here. Doesn't have build rules, but technically the Custom Construct Rules could be used to stat up a Wyrwood with class levels since CR=Level. Assuming your DM is cool with that. Still, they don't seem fond of masters.
Cevah |
Any advice for a cheap flanking buddy? Does not need to do big damage, but should be hard to hurt. Wanted for Sneak Attack flanking.
Also, in this thread: Gaining Class Features with Feats I got the following info:
Feat: Eldritch Heritage (Improved, Greater) -- sorcerer bloodline class features.
Feats: Nature Soul + Animal Ally -- gain an animal companion. [Might not work due to "character level" references.
Feat: Spark of Divinity + Extra Ascendancy -- several choices.
Drachasor |
Would it be possible to create your own gundam? I've always fantasized about doing this in a RPG.
You can have an Animated Object that's a wagon or ship. How exactly this works regarding cover isn't entirely clear.
Ostensibly it would seem like it must be Soft Cover (just +4 AC bonus). On the other hand, that seems a little strange if you are in the middle of a animated ship and there are no windows (e.g. no line of sight).
The covers rules don't explicitly say that a "barrier" can't be a creature though. So it would seem this allows a reasonable ruling on cover from very large animated objects that can hold creatures inside them. I'd consult with the DM though.
This could potentially allow a Gundam, except you wouldn't really be controlling it except by giving it orders.
An Apparatus of the Crab is the closest thing in the game to a Gundam, but it is really is overpriced. There is also no clear way to scale its power up or done since it is such a unique item.
williamoak |
Would it be possible to create your own gundam? I've always fantasized about doing this in a RPG.
Well, the closest thing I can think of that approaches a gundam is the "collosi", a new class of mythic construct that can be found in beastiary 4. They're basically huge constructs that "transform" into other shapes; the stone one can be a collossus & a castle.
There have been a number of people wanting to use constructs as "power armor", but the rules simply dont exist to support it.
Although, dont forget the fist rule of construct crafting: talk to your GM. They have final call, and the rules on all this is pretty iffy to begin with.
Belle Mythix |
williamoak wrote:Unless I'm missing something, this is illegal. Master Craftsman lets you use your Craft skill as if it was Caster Level for Craft Wondrous and Craft Magic Arms and Armor. But not Craft Construct, which has a Caster Level 5th requirement. So no Caster Level with respect to Craft Construct means you cannot take that feat.
Dwarf Lore Warden11 Craft Construct
I would point out that there are a few case in Adventure Path were this might have been allowed (for NPC obviously).
Ipslore the Red |
Physical Properties: Irespan basalt is as hard as iron, while retaining its other stony features for carving and building. It has hardness 10 and typically fetches a price of about 5 sp per pound. However, since few buyers are interested in stones of less than 1,000 pounds, the Irespan basalt trade is relatively limited to specialists capable of harvesting and transporting such heavy blocks. Building Constructs: When a construct's materials consist entirely of Irespan stone, its Craft DC increases by + 5 , but the required Caster Level decreases by 1. In addition, stone constructs crafted from Irespan stone gain a +2 bonus to Strength and gain twice as many bonus hit points as normal from the construct type.
Presumably, someone who managed to replicate the mysterious Thassilonian preservative magics would be a rich man indeed.
AbsolutGrndZer0 |
Okay, going to go ahead and ask this here, because I think this is something that should be put in your guide...
"Special" requirements... like
The creator of a clockwork steed must start with crafted clockwork pieces worth 3,000 gp. When building a clockwork charger, the pivot can be built for any size lance, typically Medium.
CL 12th; Price 29,000 gp (33,500 for a clockwork charger)
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTSFeats Craft Construct; Spells bull's strength, geas/quest; Special creator must be at least caster level 12th; Skill(s) Craft (clockwork) DC 20; Cost 16,000 gp (18,750 for a clockwork charger)
Is the bolded part ignorable with a +5 DC, or not? I would want to say it is since it says in the base rules that only the actual crafting feat is really MANDATORY but then when it specifically calls it out like that... makes me wonder.
Ipslore the Red |
I believe that there was a FAQ clarifying that using pearls of power as an example, but I can't recall where it was. Unless it's in the requirements, you only need the minimum CL to cast the necessary spells. If it's in the requirements, you can ignore it with a +5 to the DC. The only things you can't ignore are the feats to make it and the gold cost, if I recall correctly.
Ravingdork |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Generally caster level requirements can be ignored by adding +5 to the crafting DC.
This is NOT the case in constructs, however, as Ultimate Magic makes it clear that constructs are an exception to the general rule.
AbsolutGrndZer0 |
Generally caster level requirements can be ignored by adding +5 to the crafting DC.
This is NOT the case in constructs, however, as Ultimate Magic makes it clear that constructs are an exception to the general rule.
Ah, okay cool thanks... so hmm is there any way to increase your caster level for magic items with traits or feats? Cause while I can wait until level 12 (it's only one more level) for a character I am working on to be able to craft clockworks, I'd like for her to start with some (like seriously you can bond with a clockwork familiar at half the level you could actually make one... seems... weird)
Ravingdork |
Ravingdork wrote:Ah, okay cool thanks... so hmm is there any way to increase your caster level for magic items with traits or feats? Cause while I can wait until level 12 (it's only one more level) for a character I am working on to be able to craft clockworks, I'd like for her to start with some (like seriously you can bond with a clockwork familiar at half the level you could actually make one... seems... weird)Generally caster level requirements can be ignored by adding +5 to the crafting DC.
This is NOT the case in constructs, however, as Ultimate Magic makes it clear that constructs are an exception to the general rule.
You use your highest caster level for determining whether or not you meet the construct prerequisite, regardless of whether it is from class, a racial spell-like ability, is circumstantial, or whatever.
So things like the orange prism ioun stone and the Spell Specialization and Varisian Tattoo feats should help.
As to increasing the caster level of the item itself...
AbsolutGrndZer0 |
AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:Ravingdork wrote:Ah, okay cool thanks... so hmm is there any way to increase your caster level for magic items with traits or feats? Cause while I can wait until level 12 (it's only one more level) for a character I am working on to be able to craft clockworks, I'd like for her to start with some (like seriously you can bond with a clockwork familiar at half the level you could actually make one... seems... weird)Generally caster level requirements can be ignored by adding +5 to the crafting DC.
This is NOT the case in constructs, however, as Ultimate Magic makes it clear that constructs are an exception to the general rule.
You use your highest caster level for determining whether or not you meet the construct prerequisite, regardless of whether it is from class, a racial spell-like ability, is circumstantial, or whatever.
So things like the orange prism ioun stone and the Spell Specialization and Varisian Tattoo feats should help.
Well, while I see what you are saying, I'm not sure your actual examples are right except the orange ioun stone, since those all increase your CL only in certain cases. So, how does being able to cast Evocation spells at +2 CL help me craft a clockwork familiar?
Ravingdork |
Because it allows you to have a CL of X. If the prerequisite is < X, then you meet the requirement.
It's kind of like how some abilities have feat prerequisites; the prerequisites don't differentiate between bonus feats and standard feats, or fighter feats and metamagic feats. As long as you have the feat AT ALL, you qualify.
The same thing goes for caster level. Caster level requirements are almost never specific (and if they are, it's usually to specify arcane or divine). The source of the caster level or the limitation of it is inconsequential. All that matters is that YOU have said caster level AT ALL. This is why aasimar fighters can craft magical items without having to take Master Artisan (they have a caster level from their racial daylight spell-like ability).
AbsolutGrndZer0 |
Because it allows you to have a CL of X. If the prerequisite is < X, then you meet the requirement.
It's kind of like how some abilities have feat prerequisites; the prerequisites don't differentiate between bonus feats and standard feats, or fighter feats and metamagic feats. As long as you have the feat AT ALL, you qualify.
The same thing goes for caster level. Caster level requirements are almost never specific (and if they are, it's usually to specify arcane or divine). The source of the caster level or the limitation of it is inconsequential. All that matters is that YOU have said caster level AT ALL. This is why aasimar fighters can craft magical items without having to take Master Artisan (they have a caster level from their racial daylight spell-like ability).
Okay, I have a specific for you...
Changelings descended from a green hag may take "Object of Desire" which gives them a +1 Caster Level to Charm Person and Charm Monster. SO, does that count too? So, a level 8 witch can take (with the retraining rules you can take feats that you qualify for NOW but did not at the original level, says so in the FAQ last I checked) Improved Familiar and get a level 9 required familiar?
Ravingdork |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |
Okay, I have a specific for you...
Changelings descended from a green hag may take "Object of Desire" which gives them a +1 Caster Level to Charm Person and Charm Monster. SO, does that count too? So, a level 8 witch can take (with the retraining rules you can take feats that you qualify for NOW but did not at the original level, says so in the FAQ last I checked) Improved Familiar and get a level 9 required familiar?
An 8th-level witch who has CL 9th with a handful of spells, and thus able to qualify for a 9th-level improved familiar? Yes, I believe that would be totally legal.
Cevah |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I went through the SRD list of constructs and the bestiary database, and came up with this for stats. Replace "|" with a tab and paste into a spreadsheet to read.
Name|CR|Alignment|Size|AC|Touch|Flat Footed|HP|HD|Fort|Ref|Will|Str|Dex|Con|Int|Wis|Cha
Cobra, Adamantine|3|N|Small|25|13|24|20|1|0|2|0|12|15|-|-|11|1
Golem, Adamantine|19|N|Huge|33|7|33|205|30|10|9|10|36|9|-|-|11|1
Swarm, Adamantine Wasp|10|N|Fine|24|24|18|82|15|5|11|5|1|22|-|-|11|2
Elemental Construct, Air|13|N|Huge|30|19|19|205|30|10|21|10|27|33|-|-|11|1
Golem, Alchemical|9|N|Large|23|13|19|96|12|4|8|4|27|18|-|-|11|1
Amber Skeleton|6|N|Medium|21|9|21|69|9|3|2|3|21|9|-|-|11|1
Angelic Guardian|5|N|Medium|18|12|16|53|6|2|4|2|18|15|-|-|11|1
Animated Object (Medium)|3|N|Medium|14|10|12|36|3|1|1|-4|14|10|-|-|1|1
Animated Tank|12|N|Huge|29|9|28|144|16|5|6|5|35|12|-|13|10|9
Robot, Arachnid|1/2|N|Small|14|12|13|15|1|0|1|1|9|13|-|10|12|1
Golem, Behemoth|17|N|Colossal|31|1|31|206|23|7|6|9|42|9|-|-|15|1
Bladecoin Swarm|6|N|Fine|19|19|18|66|12|4|5|4|1|13|-|-|11|1
Golem, Blood|6|N|Medium|20|14|16|64|8|2|6|4|14|19|-|-|14|1
Golem, Bone|8|N|Large|21|11|19|90|11|3|5|3|18|15|-|-|10|1
Bone Idol|2|N|Diminutive|16|15|15|16|3|1|2|2|3|12|-|7|12|12
Ship in a Bottle, Bottled Armada|6|N|Tiny|18|15|15|64|8|2|7|4|16|17|-|5|14|15
Golem, Brass|14|N|Huge|30|8|30|150|20|6|6|7|32|11|-|-|13|1
Brass Man|7|N|Large|23|9|23|85|10|3|3|3|23|10|-|-|11|1
Bronze Minotaur|11|N|Large|26|8|26|107|14|4|3|4|28|9|-|-|11|1
Sentinel, Bronze|3|N|Small|18|14|15|32|4|1|4|1|18|16|-|1|11|5
Golem, Cannon|15|N|Large|31|16|24|140|20|6|13|8|30|24|-|-|15|2
Golem, Carrion|4|N|Medium|17|11|16|42|4|1|2|1|17|12|-|-|11|1
Caryatid Column|3|N|Medium|14|9|14|36|3|1|0|1|18|9|-|-|11|1
Caryatid Column|3|N|Medium|14|9|14|42|4|1|-1|0|14|9|-|-|11|1
Golem, Clay|10|N|Large|24|8|24|101|13|4|3|4|24|9|-|-|11|1
Clockwork Brain Gear|3|NE|Small|10|6|10|42|5|3|-4|7|10|-|-|20|18|14
Clockwork Dragon|16|N|Huge|34|14|28|177|25|8|14|8|34|19|-|-|11|1
Clockwork Drone|1/6|N|Tiny|16|16|12|5|1|0|4|2|5|18|-|-|14|6
Clockwork Familiar|2|N|Tiny|18|16|14|16|3|1|5|2|10|14|10|11|13|11
Golem, Clockwork|12|N|Large|26|10|25|118|16|5|6|5|27|12|-|-|11|1
Clockwork Goliath|19|N|Gargantuan|35|13|28|214|28|9|16|9|45|20|-|-|11|1
Clockwork Leviathan|12|N|Huge|28|14|22|128|16|5|11|5|33|18|-|-|11|1
Clockwork, Mage|9|N|Medium|25|17|18|102|15|5|12|7|16|21|-|-|14|1
Clockwork Overseer|2|N|Small|15|14|14|21|2|0|1|1|14|12|-|-|12|10
Clockwork Parasite|2|N|Tiny|14|12|12|22|4|1|1|0|12|10|-|-|8|8
Clockwork Scout|1/2|N|Tiny|16|15|13|5|1|0|3|1|6|17|-|-|12|10
Clockwork Servant|2|N|Medium|16|14|12|31|2|0|4|0|19|14|-|-|11|1
Clockwork Snail|10|N|Large|26|14|21|101|13|4|9|4|24|17|-|-|11|1
Clockwork Soldier|6|N|Medium|20|14|16|64|8|2|6|2|28|15|-|-|11|1
Clockwork Spy|1/2|N|Tiny|15|15|12|5|1|0|3|0|10|13|-|-|11|1
Clockwork, Steed|6|N|Large|20|12|17|74|8|2|5|2|24|13|-|-|10|1
Clockwork Swarm|4|N|Tiny|18|14|14|42|4|1|3|2|14|15|-|-|13|12
Clockwork Titan|6|N|Large|19|9|19|68|7|2|2|0|23|11|-|-|6|6
Clockwork Warrior|3|N|Medium|14|8|14|42|4|1|-1|0|18|6|-|-|8|10
Golem, Coral|9|N|Large|21|9|21|96|12|4|4|4|24|11|-|-|11|1
Crystalline Golem|5|N|Medium|17|9|17|44|8|2|1|2|16|9|-|-|11|1
Dancing Hut Of Baba Yaga|17|N|Huge|34|20|22|188|27|9|21|17|37|34|-|-|27|25
Elemental Construct, Earth|13|N|Huge|25|7|25|205|30|10|9|10|38|8|-|-|11|1
Ebon Acolytus|7|N|Large|20|8|20|79|9|3|2|3|22|8|10|10|11|1
Embalming Bear|7|N|Large|20|8|20|74|8|2|1|2|22|8|-|-|11|1
Emerald Automaton|4|N|Medium|17|11|16|47|5|1|2|1|20|13|-|-|11|1
Elemental Construct, Fire|13|N|Huge|28|17|19|205|30|10|19|10|27|29|-|-|11|1
Golem, Flagstone|7|N|Large|20|10|19|74|8|2|3|2|22|12|-|-|11|1
Colossus, Flesh|16|N|Gargantuan|30|6|30|224|16|5|5|5|42|11|-|3|10|7
Golem, Flesh|7|N|Large|20|8|20|79|9|3|2|3|20|9|-|-|11|1
Golem, Fossil|12|N|Huge|26|9|25|122|15|5|6|5|25|13|-|-|10|1
Frog Stone Idol|6|N|Large|20|9|20|79|9|3|3|3|21|10|-|-|11|1
Golem, Furnace|14|N|Huge|29|7|29|144|19|6|5|6|32|9|-|-|11|1
Guardian, Gargoyle|8|N|Large|22|11|20|90|11|3|5|3|22|14|-|-|10|1
Gargoyle Stone Idol|5|N|Medium|20|12|18|47|5|1|3|1|19|14|-|-|11|7
Golem, Gelatinous|10|N|Large|24|10|23|114|13|6|7|6|22|12|-|3|11|1
Golem, Glass|8|N|Large|21|8|21|96|12|4|3|4|20|9|-|-|11|1
Guardian, Golden|6|N|Medium|19|9|19|64|8|2|1|2|18|9|-|-|11|1
Grand Defender|15|LG|Huge|32|7|32|157|18|6|5|8|32|9|-|15|14|13
Guardian, Graven|5|N|Medium|20|12|18|53|6|2|4|3|16|15|-|-|12|1
Gray Goo|14|N|Fine|29|29|18|123|19|8|18|8|1|30|-|5|10|1
Guardian Doll|3|NE|Tiny|16|15|13|22|4|1|4|2|8|17|-|13|12|10
Guardian Scroll|3|N|Tiny|15|15|12|27|5|1|5|1|14|15|-|4|10|12
Homunculus|1|same as creator|Tiny|14|14|12|11|2|0|4|1|8|15|-|10|12|7
Golem, Ice|5|N|Medium|17|9|17|53|6|2|1|2|16|9|-|-|11|1
Golem, Ice|5|N|Large|16|8|16|63|6|2|1|2|18|9|-|-|11|1
Cobra, Iron|2|N|Small|20|13|18|15|1|0|2|0|12|15|-|-|11|1
Cobra, Iron|2|N|Small|20|13|18|15|1|0|2|0|12|15|-|-|11|1
Colossus, Iron|21|N|Colossal|39|1|39|309|23|9|6|7|51|9|-|5|10|14
Golem, Iron|13|N|Large|28|8|28|129|18|6|5|6|32|9|-|-|11|1
Golem, Iron Maiden|9|N|Large|25|9|25|96|12|4|4|4|27|10|-|-|11|1
Colossus, Jade|16|N|Colossal|34|2|34|256|32|10|10|10|49|10|-|-|11|1
Jade Idol|4|N|Diminutive|20|17|16|22|4|1|6|2|4|17|-|11|13|14
Golem, Junk|4|N|Medium|19|9|19|42|4|1|0|1|18|9|-|-|11|1
Skeleton, Lead|7|N|Medium|24|14|20|75|10|3|7|3|22|18|-|-|10|1
Living Wall|4|N|Large|12|5|12|46|3|1|-3|1|18|3|-|-|11|1
Golem, Magnesium|6|N|Medium|18|11|17|64|8|2|3|2|15|13|-|-|11|1
Robot, Mannequin|2|N|Medium|13|11|12|31|2|0|1|0|15|12|-|10|11|1
Sentinel, Marble|4|N|Small|20|14|17|43|6|2|5|2|20|16|-|1|11|5
Golem, Marrowstone|8|N|Large|21|9|21|85|10|3|3|3|20|11|-|-|11|1
Golem, Mask|4|N|Medium|17|13|14|42|4|1|6|2|18|17|-|7|12|13
Mirror Man|5|NE|Medium|18|17|11|53|6|2|8|4|16|23|-|15|15|12
Golem, Mithral|16|N|Huge|32|16|24|172|24|8|15|8|33|24|-|-|11|1
Golem, Mummy|6|N|Medium|20|10|20|64|8|2|2|2|20|10|-|-|11|1
Mythic Flesh Golem|9|N|Large|23|8|23|145|10|3|2|3|22|9|-|6|11|1
Necromantic Golem|8|N|Large|21|9|21|90|11|3|3|4|18|10|-|-|12|1
Golem, Noqual|18|N|Huge|32|10|30|202|25|8|10|8|36|15|-|-|11|1
Obsidian Minotaur|9|N|Large|25|9|25|96|12|4|4|4|22|10|-|-|11|1
Golem, Ooze|8|N|Large|20|7|20|85|10|3|1|3|22|6|-|-|11|1
Ossuary Golem|11|N|Large|23|9|23|96|12|4|6|6|22|10|-|2|14|10
Pestilential Cadaver|7|N|Medium|19|11|18|64|8|2|3|2|16|12|-|10|10|12
Petrified Horror|15|N|Medium|24|14|20|140|20|6|10|6|21|19|-|-|11|10
Philosopher Golem|9|N|Large|20|9|20|112|15|5|5|9|20|11|-|15|15|15
Golem, Quantium|20|N|Gargantuan|37|4|37|375|30|10|8|10|40|7|-|-|11|1
Guardian, Reliquary|13|LE|Large|28|10|27|118|16|7|6|10|31|12|-|10|17|16
Golem, Robot|11|N|Large|27|9|27|112|15|5|5|5|26|11|-|-|11|1
Golem, Rope|5|N|Medium|17|10|17|53|6|2|2|2|17|10|-|-|11|1
Rune Guardian|1|N|Tiny|14|14|12|11|2|0|2|2|6|15|-|11|14|12
Robot, Scrapyard|3|N|Medium|14|9|14|42|4|1|0|1|17|8|-|5|10|1
Screaming Skull (Cacophony Golem)|4|N|Tiny|13|7|18|33|6|2|0|2|10|-|-|-|11|1
Sentient Wax Golem|4|N|Medium|15|9|15|47|5|3|2|1|14|9|-|10|11|1
Sentinel Hut|8|N|Huge|21|11|18|95|10|3|6|3|25|17|-|-|11|16
Guardian, Sepulchral|8|N|Medium|21|10|21|75|10|3|3|3|24|10|-|-|11|12
Set Guardian|13|N|Large|29|9|27|151|22|7|8|10|28|13|-|-|17|21
Shedu Stone Idol|11|N|Huge|27|7|27|128|16|5|4|5|28|9|-|-|11|1
Ship in a Bottle|2|N|Tiny|15|14|13|19|3|1|3|1|12|15|-|5|10|13
Ship Sentinel|7|N|Large|20|14|15|68|7|2|7|8|19|21|-|-|23|16
Skiff Golem|11|N|Huge|21|6|21|122|15|5|3|5|31|6|-|-|11|11
Skull Ripper|9|CN|Large|24|12|21|112|15|5|10|6|22|16|-|5|13|12
Sojourner Of The Sea|15|N|Medium|30|10|30|150|20|6|6|6|27|11|-|-|11|10
Soulbound Doll|2|N|Tiny|15|14|13|19|3|1|3|1|7|14|-|11|10|9
Soulbound Mannequin|7|N|Medium|19|13|16|85|10|3|6|3|18|16|-|11|10|9
Soulbound Shell|12|N|Medium|26|11|25|132|15|5|6|7|13|13|-|20|10|13
Colossus, Sphinx|14|N|Gargantuan|31|7|30|199|18|6|9|10|40|13|-|10|15|13
Sphinx Stone Idol|10|N|Huge|29|9|28|117|14|4|5|4|27|12|-|-|11|10
Colossus, Stone|19|N|Colossal|31|2|31|265|21|7|7|7|48|11|-|5|10|7
Golem, Stone|11|N|Large|26|8|26|107|14|4|3|4|28|9|-|-|11|1
Golem, Stone Guardian|4|N|Medium|17|9|17|47|5|1|0|1|21|9|-|-|11|1
Stone Idol|3|N|Diminutive|17|13|17|19|3|1|0|3|12|8|-|7|14|14
Sword Spider|10|N|Large|25|10|24|112|15|5|6|5|14|12|-|-|11|1
Golem, Tallow|7|N|Medium|18|9|18|75|10|3|2|3|16|9|-|-|11|1
Terra-cotta Soldier|6|N|Medium|19|13|16|64|8|2|5|2|16|16|-|1|11|1
The Grand Defender|15|LG|Huge|32|7|32|157|18|6|5|8|32|9|-|15|14|13
Robot, Torturer|8|N|Small|23|17|17|105|10|3|8|5|8|21|-|10|15|1
Tribal Totem|6|N|Medium|19|12|17|69|9|3|5|4|17|14|-|-|13|14
Warden Jack Swarm|4|N|Fine|21|20|19|27|5|1|3|1|4|14|-|-|11|1
Warmonger Wasp|7|CE|Large|21|15|15|85|10|5|9|4|18|23|-|3|13|1
Elemental Construct, Water|13|N|Huge|27|15|20|205|30|10|17|10|33|24|-|-|11|1
Golem, Wax|3|N|Medium|15|9|15|42|4|1|0|1|14|9|-|-|11|1
Golem, Witch-Doll|11|N|Large|25|9|25|107|14|4|4|4|26|10|-|-|11|1
Golem, Wood|6|N|Medium|19|13|16|64|8|2|5|5|18|17|-|-|17|1
Golem, Wood|6|N|Medium|19|9|19|64|8|2|1|2|20|9|-|-|11|1
Wood Idol|1|N|Diminutive|14|14|14|11|2|0|0|1|3|11|10|5|13|13
Animated Jack-O’-Lantern
Animated Manacles
Animated Object (Colossal)
Animated Object (Gargantuan)
Animated Object (Huge)
Animated Object (Large)
Animated Object (Small)
Animated Object (Tiny)
Animated Objects
Animated Straitjacket
Bone Reaper Reflection
Brass Juggernaut
Caryatid Column (3pp)
Caryatid Column, Shining Sentinel
Clockwork (3pp)
Clockwork (Open Design)
Clockwork Advanced Bronze Giant
Clockwork Beetle
Clockwork Beetle Swarm
Clockwork Hound
Clockwork Huntsman
Clockwork Myrmidon
Clockwork Reliquary
Cobra Constructs
Cobra, Darkwood
Cobra, Iron (3pp)
Cobra, Mithral
Cutlass Spider
Elemental Construct
Feyward Tree
Golem, Alchemical (Embalming)
Golem, Carrion (mount)
Golem, Carrion (stand-in)
Golem, Carrion (Weaponized)
Golem, Caryatid
Golem, Clay (Armored)
Golem, Flesh (Faceless)
Golem, Flesh (Girallon; Advanced)
Golem, Flesh (Hound)
Golem, Ice (3pp)
Golem, Iron Archer
Golem, Paizo
Golem, Wax (Sentient)
Golem, Wood (3pp)
Haunted Chain
Headsman’s Scythe
Homunculus, Snapjaw
Juggernaut (3pp)
Necrophidius, Lesser
Necrophidius (3pp)
Necrophidius, Lesser
Orcish Warclops
Raging Rubble
Robot, Annihilator
Robot, Gearsman
Robot, Machine Soldier
Robot, Mechanical Viper
Robot, Myrmidon
Scarecrow (3pp)
Shrine Stone, Animated
Homunculus, Snapjaw
Spikestone Guardian
Terra-cotta Archer
Terra-cotta Horseman
The Hobbling Hook-Clawed Apparatus
The Scarecrow
Tome of Horrors
Wood Golem, Advanced