Resource: RotRL miniatures broken down per book

Rise of the Runelords

I've got a pretty big minis collection but I've kept my RotRL minis out of the view of my players to avoid spoilers. In order to make sure that I actually remember to grab from the hidden box when things come up, I sorted the list of minis by book. That way, when I start a new book I can dig out just the applicable minis and have them "on deck". I'll never remember "oh yeah, that little kobold guy is in the secret box".

Hopefully this is of some use to someone else.

Book 1 – Burnt Offerings
Aldern Foxglove
Bugbear Hero
Goblin Commando on Mount
Goblin Commando
Goblin Dog
Goblin Warchanter
Lyrie Akenja
Orik Vandercaskin
Tsuto Kaijitsu
Warchief Ripnugget
Yeth Hound

Book 2 – The Skinsaw Murders
Faceless Stalker
Skinsaw Man
Skinsaw Cultist

Book 3 – The Hook Mountain Massacre
Jakardros Sovark
Jaagrath Kreeg
Kaven Windstrike
Lamia Matriach
Ogre Brute
Vale Temros

Book 4 – Fortress of the Stone Giants
Dire Bear
Lamatar Bayden
Kobold Champion
Shining Child
Stone Giant
Stone Golem
Stone Giant Champion
Young Red Dragon

Book 5 – Sins of the Saviors
High Lady Athroxis
Karzoug Statue
Mithral Mage
Sinspawn Axeman
The Scribbler
Treachery Demon
Warrior of Wrath

Book 6 – Spires of Xin-Shalast
Denizen of Leng
Lamia Harridan
Lamia Kuchrima
Rune Giant
Storm Giant
Viorian Dekanti

This is very useful from my POV as I'm hoping to run it soon - now I can check I actually have all the miniatures/pawns I'm going to need (I have the RotRL Pawns set but wasn't sure if it would cover me 100%)

Thanks for putting in the effort :)

Hey Anguish - this is a super helpful list. Are these all the cardboard minis or are they painted plastic?

Backstory: My character just died in our RotRL campaign, but my DM has offered for me to pick up Orik Vancaskerin through the next few sessions as my PC. I'd love to buy a mini for him before our next session if a plastic or metal one exists. If not, he has these books and cardboard minis as well.

From a quick glance at the list, I think that they are the pre-painted plastic miniatures from Pathfinder Battles/Rise of the Runelords.

You can find a pre-painted plastic miniature singleton of Orik Vancaskerkin here on Paizo's website, and probably other places too.

Orik is also included among the cardboard pawns.

As Bellona said, these were from the prepainted plastic set. Orik is a pretty good mini in general, and well-worth the price.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The whole set is gorgeous, well able to stand next to my hand-painted minis with scarcely any shame (with a few exceptions, like the blue cat-like critters with a mane of tentacles, so disappointing to have 2 of those beasties).

The goblins are particularly flavorful. And it's so nice to have exactly the specific NPCs who match the in-book illustrations of the characters.

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