any way to deliver a hex with Spellstrike?


The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

aside from the Hex Strike feat, which requires improved unarmed strike, and makes you choose a hex you know to apply the Hex Strike to when you take the feat, is there any way to deliver a hex as part of an attack like with Spellstrike?

i know witches can designate their familiar the toucher to deliver their spells and their hexes.
but is there another way? some feat in a suppliment that isn't listed in

if you are a blade bound hex crafter you treat the sword as your familar

The Conductive weapon property can help, at least for hexes delivered via a melee touch (or ranged touch, but I don't think any are)...


Price +1 bonus; Aura moderate necromancy; CL 8th; Weight —

A conductive weapon is able to channel the energy of a spell-like or supernatural ability that relies on a melee or ranged touch attack to hit its target (such as from a cleric's domain granted power, sorcerer's bloodline power, oracle's mystery revelation, or wizard's arcane school power). When the wielder makes a successful attack of the appropriate type, he may choose to expend two uses of his magical ability to channel it through the weapon to the struck opponent, which suffers the effects of both the weapon attack and the special ability. (If the wielder has unlimited uses of a special ability, she may channel through the weapon every round.) For example, a paladin who strikes an undead opponent with her conductive greatsword can expend two uses of her lay on hands ability (a supernatural melee touch attack) to deal both greatsword damage and damage from one use of lay on hands. This weapon special ability can only be used once per round, and only works with magical abilities of the same type as the weapon (melee or ranged).

Dark Archive

csteves1987 wrote:
if you are a blade bound hex crafter you treat the sword as your familar

No, you don't. A black blade is completely different then a familiar, they just share a few bonuses.

Effectively the only option is either hex strike or a mixture of Conductive weapon + Spell Hex and that's a sub-optimal choice.

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