Damage reduction question

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

So let's say I roll REALLY badly against a creature and take 6 damage, right? Let's say I have three cards and use a boon (discarded to use) to reduce damage by two, does it reduce from the overall damage (so technically it's four damage and I lose my remaining two cards anyway) or does the damage readjust to my remaining number of cards (so instead of 6 damage, it's now three damage to match the cards in my hand) and it protects at least 1 card?

It reduces the damage total by two, so you still have four damage to deal with and will lose your remaining cards.

Damage has no relationship or interaction with the cards in your hand, you just use those cards to 'pay for' the final damage total. Of course, the 'Bank of Damage' is quite generous and doesn't ask for credit nor charge interest on debts you cannot afford to pay!

h4ppy wrote:
Of course, the 'Bank of Damage' is quite generous and doesn't ask for credit nor charge interest on debts you cannot afford to pay!

And for that I'm grateful, with a character like Seoni who carries as much as 6 cards, that would be a serious blow already ;)

Thanks :)

I had this happen during play yesterday and the day before.

Quite frequently the any damage taken by my characters seems to far exceeds the armor or protection value I can use, to the point that I have consider protective items, spells, and armors almost useless, unless they mitigate damage substantially (which none do so far) or reduce it to nothing (which a few can do).

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