Larger than Life Trait

Rules Questions

PRD wrote:
Larger Than Life: You wield firearms with truly terrifying menace. When you use the Intimidate skill on a creature while wielding a firearm, you are considered one size category larger than your actual size.

One of my players is playing a gunslinger with this trait. I'm wondering if you rules gurus could help me out with the fine points.

So, if the player intimidates an enemy, she is considered one size category larger than actual size... against whom?

1: Against all enemies? or only against the intimidated enemy?

2: When she is considered one size category larger than her actual size, does that mean that her weapon's damage increases to the next size increment? Does her 1d8 pistol now do 2d6 damage?

3: How long does this last?

It seems like this trait gives any player with an intimidate score an unlimited usage of Enlarge Person as long as they can make the intimidate checks. That seems a bit powerful for a trait.

Thanks for the help!


Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

It's not that powerful. The user is considered one size category larger only during the intimidate attempt.

The intimidate skill

The relevant part is

Intimidate Skill wrote:
Special: You also gain a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks if you are larger than your target and a –4 penalty on Intimidate checks if you are smaller than your target.

What this trait is doing is giving you the +4 bonus unless you were already larger than the target (or potentially averting the -4 penalty if the target was larger than you).

EDIT: Finally, *I* ninja'd somebody. Do I get a membership card or something ?

I think it means "one size larger for the purposes of the Intimidate check". I.e., you get a bonus or penalty to an Intimidate check if you're larger or smaller than your opponent, and this changes the threshold for determining whether you get that bonus or penalty.

PRD wrote:

Larger or Smaller than Target

You gain a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks if you are larger than your target, and a –4 penalty on Intimidate checks if you are smaller than your target.

That makes a lot of sense and fits with what a trait would offer. Thanks!


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