Exploration Strategy Question

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

A question about how starting hand size, blessings and explorations work. We were playing a three player game last night and knew where the villain was. Our party was Valeros, Kyra and Seoni. Valeros was the most equipped to easily handle the villain and we were all at the villain's location.

Kyra's turn:
Kyra gives Valeros a Blessing of the Gods, moves to another location, explores and completes her turn.

Seoni's turn:
Seoni gives Valeros a Blessing of the Gods, moves to another location, explores and completes her turn.

Valero's turn:
(Hand now has 4 total BotGs (he started with two) and two other cards.) Normally he would start with 4 cards but this time he starts with 6 because of the "gifts".
Valeros explores and then burns through all three BotGs by discarding them to continue exploring until he finds the villain and defeats him. The other spread characters are able to temporarily close the other locations.

Is this a legit strategy? I can't find any reference to a hand limit other than at the end of your turn.

Sounds good to me. Nice!

That's what gifts are for!

You can only give a card away in your own turn.
If that would force that player to discard down to his hand size, the ability would be next to useless.

But, wouldn't he need to start off his next turn with just 4 cards?

So, it would be better to get those BOG's out of the way before the end of his previous turn.

All the best.

Great Uncle LROG

paganeagle2001 wrote:

But, wouldn't he need to start off his next turn with just 4 cards?

So, it would be better to get those BOG's out of the way before the end of his previous turn.

All the best.

Great Uncle LROG

Actually no, you do not "Reset Your Hand" until the end of your turn. Its the very last thing you do. The above play is legal and a good tactic.

Thanks for the update!!!!

Will remember that one!! Lol.

All the best.

Great Uncle LROG

Thanks for the responses guys! Glad to know that I understood the rules correctly. I haven't read of anyone else employing this strategy so I couldn't tell if I misinterpreted the rules, found a loophole or played a way the designers intended.
I plan on making this a regularly employed strategy.

I thought you could only explore 1extra time no matter what. Don't have the rule book with me but if I'm wrong I've been playing that way.

As long as you have cards that allow you to carry on exploring you can do so.


Remember that you only have a set number of cards before you die.

All the best.

Great Uncle LROG

Ok the paragraph I was referring was on page 9 under explore I took it as meaning only one extra explore per turn.

A quick example, if it's wrong then someone will sat so.

You have your normal turn by turning over the top of the location deck.

That turn goes well and you look in your hand.

You have 2 BOG's

So, you discard on of the BOG's and explore again.

That one also goes well.

Now you can either end your turn or discard the other BOG to explore once more.

All the best.

Great Uncle LROG

Seems fine.

The thing to remember is, that you have a set number of cards and unless you are recharging cards, you are effectivly shortening your deck.

If you are ever required to draw a card from your deck and cannot, your character dies.

All the best.

Great Uncle LROG

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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raven614 wrote:
Ok the paragraph I was referring was on page 9 under explore I took it as meaning only one extra explore per turn.
Rules: Explore wrote:
...if, during a single exploration, multiple effects each give you an additional exploration, it counts as a total of 1 more exploration, not a series of additional explorations.

That's not saying you can only have one extra per turn—it's saying that if multiple things gave you more at the same time, you only get one.

Imagine this (completely hypothetical) situation: You've encountered a monster with a power that says "if defeated, you may explore again." And in your combat check, you cast a spell that says "you automatically defeat a monster, and you may explore again." In that case, the quoted rule says you'd get one additional exploration, not two.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

SoulzBane wrote:
... I couldn't tell if I misinterpreted the rules, found a loophole or played a way the designers intended.

It's intended!

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