Blessing Deck and Cure question

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Silver Crusade

First, if a person has two cure cards in their hand, can they use one another person at their location and then use one on themselves, or does that violate the 1 card type rule?

Second, when I started playing the game I was taught if you flip over the Blessing deck card and it matches the top card on the Blessing Deck discard pile, you get to recharge that blessing. Now that I've been playing the game and have read the Blessing closer, I believe that is incorrect and that the recharge mechanism only applies if the card is being played by a player?

Liberty's Edge

1. Yes, you can play both Cure in the same round because they're considered two different checks. You could even play both Cure on your character.
2. You're correct. You can only recharge a Blessing that you have played, and only if it matches the top of the Blessings deck discard pile.

1) The rule you speak of comes into play when performing checks. Playing two cure cards back-to-back is outside of the encounter phase, so yes you can.

2) Yes it only applies to a blessing played by the player, as indicated by the text under "RECHARGE." Keep in mind that the blessing deck primarily functions as a timer. The only other interaction is the form of blessings played by the player, where a Blessing of the Gods can copy the "POWERS" section of the top card, or a Blessing played that matches the top of the Blessing Deck discard pile can be recharged.

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