Bodywraps of Mighty Strikes: Will they someday be changed (FAQ Request)

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Okay. Here is the question: now that the Amulet of Mighty Fists has seen a reduction in its price (and cost to craft), will there be any errata issued on the Bodywraps of Mighty Strikes to reduce their price?

The reason that I ask this question is because of the weird manner in which the Bodywraps function; only granting their enhancement bonus on a set number of individual attacks in a round depending on the BAB of the wearer. Yet, the Bodywraps are priced higher than a weapon with an equivalent enhancement bonus.

From the FAQ:


The design team has decided to reduce the price of this item. The new prices are as follows: 4,000 gp (+1), 16,000 gp (+2), 36,000 gp (+3), 64,000 gp (+4), 100,000 gp (+5).

This makes this item priced a bit more competitively for monks and creatures that rely on natural attacks.
This answer originally appeared in the 12/4/12 Paizo blog. The next printing of the Core Rulebook, NPC Codex, and Ultimate Equipment will be updated with this information.

—Pathfinder Design Team, 03/01/13

And for the Bodywraps:

Price: 3,000 gp (+1), 12,000 gp (+2), 27,000 gp (+3), 48,000 gp (+4), 75,000 gp (+5), 108,000 gp (+6), 147,000 gp (+7).

And weapon prices from the Core Rulebook:

Price: 2,000 gp (+1), 8,000 gp (+2), 18,000 gp (+3), 32,000 gp (+4), 50,000 gp (+5), 72,000 gp (+6), 98,000 gp (+7).

Let's look at these numbers for a moment, considering just the basic +1 versions (the numbers get worse for the Bodywraps as the enhancement bonus increases):

+1 AoMf . . . 4,000 gp. Good for ANY number of attacks made in a round with Natural Weapons or Unarmed Attacks.

+1 Weapon . . . 2,000 gp. Good for ANY number of attacks made in a round with a specific manufactured weapon.

+1 BWoMS . . . 3,000 gp. Good for 1-4 attacks only in each combat round, depending on BAB (0 to +5 is 1 attack, +6 to +10 is 2 attacks, +11 to +15 is 3 attacks, +16 to +20 is 4 attacks) with Natural Weapons or Unarmed Attacks.

Am I the only one for whom this makes little sense? Will there be any change to the Bodywraps in light of the recent changes to the Amulet?

EDIT: Feel free to add your voice to the question by clicking on the FAQ button at the right of the original post.


This might seem strange, but you must remember: the body wraps of mighty strikes take up a slot that is less likely to cause conflict than AoMF. That is worth at least something.

I think the Bodywraps might only be a method to make TWF between unarmed strikes and weapons more viable. Because honestly, it is hard to think of them being useful otherwise. They rule out flurry, natural attack, and AoO reliant builds. What else can they be used for? (well, just doing attacks with a one...handed....weapon, which is not exactly the best style)

lemeres wrote:

This might seem strange, but you must remember: the body wraps of mighty strikes take up a slot that is less likely to cause conflict than AoMF. That is worth at least something.

I think the Bodywraps might only be a method to make TWF between unarmed strikes and weapons more viable. Because honestly, it is hard to think of them being useful otherwise. They rule out flurry, natural attack, and AoO reliant builds. What else can they be used for? (well, just doing attacks with a one...handed....weapon, which is not exactly the best style)

A slot that conflicts with Monk Robes, Lemeres.


Well, I was more thinking along the lines of another class using unarmed strikes (Duelists and those using dervish dance or crane style seem key targets due to various restrictions).

Admittedly, the bonuses from monk's robe might not be that great overall. The bonuses to AC are only enjoyed if you are not wearing armor (and typically armor is a safer bet) and the increase to unarmed strike damage is not that important (static bonuses such as enhancements are, however)

So mostly, bodywraps seems to be for those that are only using unarmed strikes and natural attacks as bonuses, rather than as a focus. Otherwise, they would have just bought an AoMF and be done with it.

Yeah, and that is the problem with reducing the cost of Amulet of Mighty Fists, now every Eidolon has one, and the Summoner has greatly increased in power. Ooops.

Shadow Lodge

Well, it does make sense to me that if the cost of the first option is reduced, the cost of the alternative should be as well. The problem, of course, is that the two items can stack, and reducing the cost to, say, 2500xBonus^2, is that the total cost of enhancing unarmed strikes for non-monks or monks without flurry with both the amulet and the bodywraps goes down even more. Yes, you're giving up the Monk's Robe to do it, and yes, that's a sacrifice, but it's one that can definitely be made for a lot of builds — even some monk builds.

Sesharan wrote:
Well, it does make sense to me that if the cost of the first option is reduced, the cost of the alternative should be as well. The problem, of course, is that the two items can stack, and reducing the cost to, say, 2500xBonus^2, is that the total cost of enhancing unarmed strikes for non-monks or monks without flurry with both the amulet and the bodywraps goes down even more. Yes, you're giving up the Monk's Robe to do it, and yes, that's a sacrifice, but it's one that can definitely be made for a lot of builds — even some monk builds.

But wait....I thought Ultimate Equipment came out after they errata'd AoMF. If that is the case, then they have already priced the item with a cost comparison in mind.

Shadow Lodge

No, the blog with the errata for AoMF came out a few months after Ultimate Equipment.

Sesharan wrote:
No, the blog with the errata for AoMF came out a few months after Ultimate Equipment.

Well, not altering the price of bodywraps might still not be an oversight though. I mean, if you are going to the trouble of altering the price of one item designed to enhance unarmed strikes an natural weapons, why not alter both while you are at it.

Although, I'll admit, that argument seems a bit dirty, if only for the fact that it makes my earlier question of which came first almost irrelevant to whether I can explain the prices.

The reason the amulet of mighty fists came down was BECAUSE the bodywraps were priced they way they are, among other things like the brawling property.

Liberty's Edge

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One day the distinction between unarmed and natural attacks will be addressed.

Probably in the next version...but it will happen.

And that will fix all of these issues.

While the AoMF was reduced in price, it also can only be the equivalent of a +5. While the bodywraps can go to +7.

No response from anyone in six months. I'm very disappointed.

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