Clarifying Ezren

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Ok, so I've played a few scenarios with various characters and I just want to make sure I am reading Ezren right.

On his Lightning Touch and Force Bolt, I am using Intelligence(Arcane) + 2d4.

So 1d12 +2 +2d4?

Seems like he hits a ton relative to the other characters.

Yes, that's correct. Also, you'd be surprised what kind of damage other characters can do. Keep in mind he can't have any blessings. Still, though, he's definitely a hard hitter.

I've played some with Valeros and Merisel (and got smacked around with Merisel. We have also played a group game with Sajan and Amiri who were pretty good as well. I was just initially surprised with how powerful his spells were, especially since they can be recharged pretty easily.

Scarab Sages

His biggest downside is the lack of Blessings. If he's in a party with lots of allies, he can really shine. The less allies he has, the harder he is to play.

Just like a regular Wizard in Pathfinder. :)

I guess I just got lucky, cause I rolled through the solo plays with him thus far.

Yea the lack of blessings isn't that big a deal in my experience. The idea is that his ability to explore more then once a turn is hampered, but when soloing I've yet to die from a time-out.

Same here, and the punch of his offensive spells rolled all the mobs I ran into.

Bleh, I keep rolling 5's and 6's on the dice with my spellcasters. The +2 usually doesn't bring it up enough to protect me from damage :/

Anyway, Ezren is pretty good, but he gets floored by a lot of different barriers. Collapsed Ceiling is the worst. Edit: Goblins Chanters and Sirens will also ruin your day.

I suppose this would be a good time to good time to talk strategy for Ezren.

When soloing he has more flexibility than most people credit him.

First let's look at one of his understated advantages: 6-card hand size.

That's 40% of your deck at the game's start. Keeping that in mind, take a variety of different spells that offer utility other than combat. Cards like the recently revised Detect Magic, to help in the possibility of exploring further. Also take Invisibility or Sleep to overcome barriers like Collapsed Ceiling.

As for items, a healing potion never hurts. Don't be afraid to use it because of its 1-time use; it can save you! Furthermore, the game allows you to reset your deck with cards from the box if you can't legally reconstruct your deck again, i.e. you lack an item from using a potion.

Explore every chance you get, if you're using your powers properly, you can regain another combat spell to overcome any monsters, allowing for efficient exploring!

And that just scratches the surface!

Detrimus wrote:
Also take Invisibility or Sleep to overcome barriers like Collapsed Ceiling.

Those two spells explicitly only work on monsters, not barriers.

Mechalibur wrote:
Detrimus wrote:
Also take Invisibility or Sleep to overcome barriers like Collapsed Ceiling.
Those two spells explicitly only work on monsters, not barriers.

Well, then, I stand corrected!

doing forget that the healing potions are not "basic" so you can't use those when refilling your item deck after a game.


Ezren needs sages and troubadours to boost his noncombat checks, since he doesn't have too many ways of boosting them without blessings. If he's lucky, he can find some masterwork tools or other items that help noncombat checks. Father Zantus, Poog, and the Minor Staff of Healing are also great to find since potions aren't reusable.

Slightly off topic, but related:

Can Ezren use Sage to help him recharge a spell, say Acid Arrow? Acid Arrow requires an Arcane Check 6 to succeed, and Sage adds 1d6 to a noncombat Intelligence (or wisdom) check. Since Arcane is listed as a sub-skill under his Intelligence would this be valid?

A similar example would be: Seelah using a Sage to help her recharge a Cure. Cure requires a Divine check, and divine is listed under Seelah's wisdom.

I feel like I should know this, but I also feel like those particulars probably matter here.

Owner - Brætspilland

It has been officially stated that everything that adds to the major skills also adds to the subskills but not visa versa. :)

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