magikeren's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Owner of Brætspilland


Owner - Brætspilland

Please push that button! :D

Owner - Brætspilland

Yir. I need my fix. :D
It's 8 PM here in Denmark. Haha. Has been constantly hitting the refresh button the whole day. :D

Owner - Brætspilland

Where is the download?

Owner - Brætspilland

ADVENTURE 4: "Fortress of the Stone Giants"
Scenario 1: Sandpoint Under Siege
Play before scenario: Track 1-4
Play after completing scenario: Track 5-6
Scenario 2: Jorgenfist
Play before scenario: Track 7-8
Play after completing scenario: Track 9
Scenario 3: The Black Tower
Play before scenario: Track 10
Play after completing scenario: Track 11-12 (2:00)
Scenario 4: Under Jorgenfist
Play before scenario: Track 12 (2:00)- 12
Play after completing scenario: Track 13
Scenario 5: The Ancient Library
Play before scenario: Track 14-15
Play after completing scenario: Track 16 (4:01)

Play when completing adventure: Track 16 (4:01)-17

Owner - Brætspilland

Shiiiit it's available from Big Finish now as download!!!! :O

Owner - Brætspilland

No it's not. Seems like it's been pushed a month to end october. :(

Owner - Brætspilland

In the section "Draw starting hands" on p. 7 it says:

"...If you didn't draw at least 1 card of that type, discard that hand and draw again, repeating as needed until you hand contains at least 1 card of the specified type.
If you discard so many cards that you can't draw up to your full hand size, draw all of the remaining cards, then shuffle your discard pile into your deck, draw the rest of your hand, and shuffle any discarded cards back into your character deck."

Lets say I draw my first two hands without a weapon as Valeros.

I read the above rules this way:
I should start the scenario with 10 cards in my discard and none in my deck (nowhere does it tell me to shuffle the discard back into the deck. Only if I use MORE cards than my current decksize).
This is not the intension right????
For new players this is a serious error!

Owner - Brætspilland

ADVENTURE 3: "The Hook Mountain Massacre"
Scenario 1: Them Ogres Ain't Right
Play before scenario: Track 1-3
Play after completing scenario: Track 4-6(2:10)
Scenario 2: The Fort in Peril
Play before scenario: Track 6(2:10)-7(2:45)
Play after completing scenario: Track 7(3:22)-8
Scenario 3: Here Comes the Flood
Play before scenario: Track 9-9(2:13)
Play after completing scenario: Track 9(2:13)-9(2:38)
Scenario 4: Battle at the Dam
Play before scenario: Track 9(2:38)-11(1:42)
Play after completing scenario: Track 11(1:42)-11(3:08)
Scenario 5: Into the Mountains
Play before scenario: Track 11(3:08)-12
Play after completing scenario: Track 13-15(2:00)

Play when completing adventure: Track 15(2:00)-15

Actually it's a good idea to read the small text on the scenario cards aloud after you play the before scenario audio (sometimes the audio is not 100% what is going on in the scenario, but close to).
Do NOT read the text on the adventure card aloud as that normally spoils the entire adventure.

Owner - Brætspilland

2 people marked this as a favorite.

We just begun the Rise of the Runelords campaign and uses the Pathfinder Legends audio (which by the way is awesome!!) instead of reading from the cards.
Here is the tracklist we use in our game:

ADVENTURE 1: "Burnt Offerings"
Scenario 1: Attack on Sandpoint
Play before scenario: Track 1-3
Play after completing scenario: Track 4-5(2:50)
Scenario 2: Local Heroes
Play before scenario: Track 5(2:50)-6(2:35)
Play after completing scenario: Track 6(2:35)-6
Scenario 3: Trouble in Sandpoint
Play before scenario: Track 7-8
Play after completing scenario: Track 9-10(3:10)
Scenario 4: Approach to Thistletop
Play before scenario: Track 10(3:10)-11(3:30)
Play after completing scenario: Track 11(3:30)-11
Scenario 5: Thistletop Delve
Play before scenario: Track 12-13
Play after completing scenario: Track 14-15

Play when completing adventure: Track 16-17

ADVENTURE 2: "The Skinsaw Murders"
Scenario 1: Undead Uprising
Play before scenario: Track 1-3
Play after completing scenario: Track 4
Scenario 2: Crow Bait
Play before scenario: Track 5
Play after completing scenario: Track 6-8
Scenario 3: Foul Misgivings
Play before scenario: Track 9-11
Play after completing scenario: Track 12-14(2:10)
Scenario 4: The Cult Exposed
Play before scenario: Track 14(2:10)-15(1:20)
Play after completing scenario: Track 15(1:20)-15(1:45)
Scenario 5: Angel in the Tower
Play before scenario: Track 15(1:45)-15
Play after completing scenario: Track 16

Play when completing adventure: Track 17

I will update this list when we get futher in the path.
It's awesome with the audio, especially if you play with Harsk, Valeros, Merisiel and Ezren.

Owner - Brætspilland

Replacements. Yes, thanks! :)

Owner - Brætspilland

It has been officially stated that everything that adds to the major skills also adds to the subskills but not visa versa. :)

Owner - Brætspilland

The rules p.11 clearly states:
"Attempting a check requires severel steps which are explained below."
The order of the steps are:
1) Determine Which Die you're using
2) Determine the Difficulty
3) Play Cards That Affect the Check
4) Use Characters' Powers
5) Assemple Your Dice
6) Make The Roll
7) Take Damage, If Necessary
8) Resolve the Encounter

On page 10 it clearly says that:
"If a card in your hand does not specify when it can be played, you can generally play it at any time, with the exception that during each step of attempting a check, you may only perform specific actions, so your ability to play cards may be limited."

During step 4,5 and 6 playing cards are NOT part of the actions allowed. Therefore as I read the rules you must play cards during step 3 BEFORE using powers! Is this correct???????

If it is correct then Lini would not be allowed to discard an ally for it's power and reveal it to gain 1d4 during the same check as she would be forced to use the card BEFORE her power.