The Goblin song - La cancion Goblin (Español)

Rise of the Runelords

Hi, we are from Monterrey, Mexico; played pen & paper RPG since almost 16 years.
Im the GM group, Ericksson.

Now we're newbies to PF, but as soon we read it, we'd love it. It's, so... er, tasty!

We are just starting Rise of Runelords.
We are all spanish talkers, english is not an issue, but sometimes any spanish material is well received.

A player of our group has composed some humble melody for the Gobling song, and I was looking a lyrics spanish transalation in the Inet for a while.

I did'nt find anything, so I did one.
Well, it's not a translation since we think literal translations sometimes can be inconsistent.

Ok, so this thread its all about The RotRL Goblins song and our group wanted to share with somebody to be interested in a spanish adaptation infamous song.

A very scared and disperse villagers group armed with shovels, clubs and stones are surrounded by a large group of goblins.
A lot of houses are now in fire and several death bodies are seen in the wet soil.
The Goblin leader advance showing his sharpened theets with a sick hisssing.
One villager offers surrender in exchange a medium coin bag...
The leader Gobling stare the bag, then the villager.. and an evil spark shine in his eyes.
And then he shout....

Los Goblins mascan (Solo, cabecilla) , los Goblins muerden (responden en coro TODOS)
Los Goblins te cortan y te retuercen! (en coro TODOS)

Apuñale a tu perro (solo, cabecilla), al caballo matamos (en coro)
Comemos al gusto, sin preguntar tomamos! (coro todos)

Corremos (coro 1er grupo), saltamos! (coro 2do grupo)
Cortamos (coro 1er grupo), golpeamos! (coro 2do grupo)
Todo quemamos, tu cabeza aplastamos (coro TODOS)
hemos llegado, ya estan acabados! (coro TODOS)

Tras del niño vamos (coro 1er grupo), al cachorro atrapamos (coro 2do grupo)
sus cabezas golpeamos y asi las callamos! (coro TODOS)

Huesos rompemos, la carne comemos! (coro TODOS)
no vale la huida!
Somos los goblins!
Tu la comida!


I hope some COMPADRE found this usefull!

Sovereign Court


I am now stuck with the image of a goblin Mariachi band. Thanks. :)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Could someone please produce this and post the MP3!!?

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