Looking for a Suggestion / Rebuild Help

Pathfinder Society

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

First and foremost, thank you again for helping me get involved with the magical world of Pathfinder Society. This has been a great experience and I hope to have many more adventures regardless of your response...

That being said:

So there I am at Strategicon. I skimmed most of the PFS material. I was never sure if I wanted to be rogue 1 going into monk or monk 1 going into rogue because of where I imagined the character. So I settled and got a level 1 kitsune monk in my pocket and I'm ready to go!

So I hear I can't play a kitsune without a boon sheet. I was told I can get them at major cons but that they were very common because a lot of players don't like playing kitsune and got more than one; so I could trade.

Fortunately it didn't matter; apparently the game was for pregens only ("We Be Goblins Too!"). Kinda disappointed; I'm not the biggest fan of playing Pregens, after all. But then it hit me that this would be perfect; I can apply these to my new character and thus offset the problem I had being a monk without a rogue or a rogue without a monk; plus it would give me the time I needed to try to trade for a kitsune sheet!

But after the first six hours of talking to people at con I couldn't find anyone who had the sheet *with* them, but they'd be willing to give me one and played locally…but I was told by the staff it was ok because I could just get a "retrain" before I hit level 2.

So I play my second game and I'm asked to play a pregen level 4 because everyone else at the table was level 4~5 and they wanted to play at that tier. Naturally I agreed; I mean this is just more experience to try to get my kitsune to start at level 2, right? I if I can scrape together and get that boon. Great times both times; never realized how fun it was to play with a pregen (as it was the first time using a pregen I didn't help build).

So yesterday I'm preparing for my game today by playing a game online. I play pregen one last time. We do "ok"; ok, we party wipe and I lose all my PP…but it was a third game so now I can start at level 2!

So I drive down today to play with my level 2 and find someone willing to trade me their kitsune boon sheet for a couple of my lesser con-boon sheets I got at the aforementioned convention! Awesome! But she is very busy and can only do it after the game…and I didn't realize the restrictions on the racial boon sheets.

So is there any way I can apply it to this character despite having played him as a level 2? It was my *first* time playing this character (or any non-pregenerated character). But the Vulpine Blooded boon says it has to be applied to the character "Before any other chronicle sheet".

Is my only course of action (if I want to play this monk/rogue kitsune) completely scrapping this character and starting over with 3 more pregen games to get to level 2 again (but this time applying the boon from the start)? The character's name, backstory (sans race which never came up in any of the games I played; seriously the last GM never even asked if I was human or elf or kitsune or anything); extra skill points from human (which are completely offset by the kitsune skill bonuses from the kitsune trickster rogue variant class) and the human bonus feat (which I never used once in the entire game).

Or is there *any* way (even if it costs PP or Gold) to retrain/rebuild my character into the 2nd level kitsune monk/rogue I've become infatuated with playing.

My friends tell me to just cheat/lie and say I always had it since none of my GMs bothered looking at my character (as 3/4 of the games were pregen). But I really REALLY want to do this legit…

Any suggestions?

PS And I don't know if this makes a difference or not, but the character would be pretending to be human if race was an RP issue anyway...guess a bluff check would have been involved haha...


The only retraining you can do to your character since they have played at level 2 is outlined in Ultimate Campaign. Unfortunately the retraining rules do not support race changes.

Your only option to play a Kitsune at this point is to start a brand new character with the Race Boon being chronicle sheet #1.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Not entirely true, he would have been fine if he applied the chronicle sheet BEFORE playing at level 2. You can apply a race boon as part of your free rebuild before playing at level 2.

With that said, going by the rules at this time there's no way to get it applied to your current character since it's been played at level 2. You can either apply it to a new level 1 (and it doesn't matter what you build as you can simply rebuild when you hit level 2 - so play a barbarian or something if your rogue/monk isn't ready to be played until level 2) or you can apply it when you hit level 2. Your choice. At least that one will have full prestige if you don't get involved in a tpk again ;)

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