Mortagon |

Can someone please explain to me how evade works in the game? I've read through the rules several times and can't seem to find any mention of this anywhere in the rulebook.
When you are eligible to evade an encounter (for example by using Merisiels power), do you ignore the entire encounter regardless of what type it is or does the encounter count as undefeated? Can you evade any kind of encounter? What happens to the encounter after you evade it, is it banished to the box or do you reshuffle it into the location deck?

Everthefool |

Regarding evade (ability, item, spell, whatever) and multi-creature combats (Stick foot & Ripnugget, for example):
Since they are separate creatures (animal & goblin) and separate combats does a single evade bypass them both since they're a single card, or is a separate evade needed for each? ( example: Ezren with invisibility and no other evade ability)

QuantumNinja |

Regarding evade (ability, item, spell, whatever) and multi-creature combats (Stick foot & Ripnugget, for example):
Since they are separate creatures (animal & goblin) and separate combats does a single evade bypass them both since they're a single card, or is a separate evade needed for each? ( example: Ezren with invisibility and no other evade ability)
It's still considered one encounter, so you would only need to play one Evade action to avoid the whole card.

Tracker1 |

Regarding evade (ability, item, spell, whatever) and multi-creature combats (Stick foot & Ripnugget, for example):
Since they are separate creatures (animal & goblin) and separate combats does a single evade bypass them both since they're a single card, or is a separate evade needed for each? ( example: Ezren with invisibility and no other evade ability)
The entire card is evaded, it does not matter if there is more that one check to complete.

This arose last night in a game, what would you do in this scenario:
1. Turn over a bane
2.The bane says "Before the encounter recharge two cards" (villain in first scenario)
3. I cast Sanctuary to evade/Merisiel uses evade power
4a. I evade and don't have to recharge two cards because I evade the card
4b. I recharge two cards (before the encounter) then evade and bury the villain
I played it as 4b.

Tracker1 |

We'll just to keep it simple. You only need to use one card or power to evade, so you do not need Sanctuary and Miersiel's power, just one is fine.
If you evaded the the Villain, or any card for that matter, you do not activate any of the cards powers. Although I would not be surprised if we come across something that can not be evaded in the future.
So, in your case the Villain's "before the encounter" power does not happen, so you do not recharge any cards and you just shuffle him back into the location deck.

Tracker1 |

I'm still a bit confused. Tclifford said you just ignore what the encounter card says? Is that not the case? Still apply immunities? Ty
2 spells that let you evade a monster are sanctuary and sleep. Both have the mental trait. If a monster is immune to the mental trait, you will not be able to play the cards. These monsters could still be evaded by a power and card that does not have the mental trait though.
I'm pretty sure that's how it works. It does seem a little funny to say you ignore everything that the card says, but in this case you have to read the card to find out that evade with the mental trait will not work. It's another interesting timing issue, but common sense tells me that those spells will not work in this situation.

Tracker1 |

Hm, I don't think so, actually. A skeleton may be immune to the mental trait, but you don't use Invisibility/Sanctuary on the Skeleton, you use it on yourself to evade the skeleton.
We'll what about sleep? I doubt you would want to use that on yourself when you encounter a skeleton.
Invisibility does not have the mental trait, so no prob there.
Sanctuary, not sure how it's supposed to work. It's got the mental trait, but maybe it will not work on a monster that is immune to mental stuff.

Mechalibur |

Got it. However...
On page 10, right by Encountering a Check it says "If you have a power or card that lets you evade that card, you may immediately shuffle it back into the deck; it is neither defeated nor undefeated. If you do not evade it, first apply any effects that happen before the encounter."
That is followed by rules for what you do before an encounter, which include immunity rules. So it sounds like an encounter would be evading before even checking for immunities. The immunity rules are also under the heading "Play Cards That Affect the Check." Sanctuary and Sleep don't affect the check.
So, I think it's worded a bit oddly. I see why it should probably prevent you from using those cards from evading, but that doesn't seem clear from the rules. Maybe it could be updated to provide more clarity? It really seems like it could go either way as currently worded.

Mike Selinker Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer |

You frequently need to know what a monster says before you can encounter it. For example, imagine a monster that says "(X) cannot be evaded." When you try to play the spell that allows you to evade such a monster, it won't work, so you can't evade it. Being aware of what's on the card is important at all times.

Mortagon |

You frequently need to know what a monster says before you can encounter it. For example, imagine a monster that says "(X) cannot be evaded." When you try to play the spell that allows you to evade such a monster, it won't work, so you can't evade it. Being aware of what's on the card is important at all times.
So if an effect happens before an encounter and you have the ability to evade you would still suffer the effect that happens before the encounter but then evade everything else on the card?

Mortagon |

Probably only if the text has something about why you could not evade it. But if it says you take 1 combat damage, and you evade it then you don't take the damage.
I think Mike is suggesting to just read the cards before you evade to make sure the card does not prevent you form evading it.
Yeah, but don't you just evade the encounter? So events that happens before the encounter should take effect before the evade kicks in or does evade ignore the entire card?

QuantumNinja |

Tangent to this discussion, but relevant to Evade: Upon successfully evading an encountered card, can you then proceed to Encounter another card, or is your Encounter phase over excepting the use of blessings or other effects that allow you to Encounter again?
The rulebook says nothing about encountering another card after you evade, so I'm pretty sure the answer is no. Otherwise, Merisel could just keep evading cards in a location deck for free until she found something she wanted to encounter.

Mortagon |

Evade ignores the entire card except for anything that says anything about evading or things that might let you evade.
Thanks, that's what I thought but me and my players have been a bit unsure about this because someone thought that made Merisiels character to powerful in solo games.

QuantumNinja |

This may have been answered.
Just a quick follow up.
If you cast Sanctuary on a summoned Monster (that is legal to cast it on) does it go back to the box, or does it stay on top of the location deck as the Sanctuary card says?
In this case, I think the summoned monster goes on top of the location deck.
From page 12 of the rulebook:
Sometimes you will be told to summon a card and encounter it, or
to add a card to a deck. When this happens, retrieve the card from
the box. If you need to summon or add a number of cards and there
aren’t enough copies of that card in the box, the current player
decides how to distribute the cards that are there; ignore the rest.
After encountering a summoned card, return it to the box unless
you’re instructed otherwise.
When you play Sanctuary to evade the monster, you're instructed to put it on top of the location deck, so per the rule above, you should do as your instructed. Also, the golden rule on page 2 makes card text trump any text in the rulebook, so even if the rulebook did support you putting the card back in the box, the card text from Sanctuary should override it.

csouth154 |
Evade ignores the entire card except for anything that says anything about evading or things that might let you evade.
Blessing of the God's says that it is automatically acquired when encountered. Since the fact of the encounter happens before the option to evade, can this card be evaded?

Arjay88 |

New situation: In WotR adventure 2, the henchman Undead Company reads: "Each character attempts a check to defeat; if any character fails, the barrier is undefeated."
Lets say that I'm playing Olenjack and my friend is playing Wu Shen. Wu Shen encounters the Undead Company. Wu Shen attempts the combat 16 check with a Deathbane Crossbow and rolls a 20 to beat Undead Company. Olenjack doesn't have a weapon but has 2 allies. Olenjack chooses to evade. How does Olenjack's power "Recharge an Ally to evade a bane" interact with Undead Company, in terms of "if any character fails, the barrier is undefeated"?
The rulebook on page 10 reads: "Apply any evasion effects: ... If you evade the card, do not activate any other powers on it. Shuffle it back into the deck; it is neither defeated nor undefeated, and the encounter is over."
Thanks in advance!

skizzerz |

Only Wu Shen is actually encountering the card, so only Wu Shen can evade it. She would do so before anybody attempts any checks to defeat (e.g. in the encounter step you quoted). Olenjack (or anyone else) cannot evade the card since they are not the ones encountering it.

skizzerz |

Losing to armies does indeed suck, but keep in mind that they are barriers, not monsters. Therefore if you fail the check to defeat, you do not take any damage. You still lose all the nice things from the location deck, though. If Olenjack doesn't have any weapons, he should attempt one of the non-combat checks instead, ideally one he has a d10 or d12 in so some blessings can be slapped on for a good chance at winning.

Arjay88 |

Unfortunately with the Undead Company, Olenjack is pretty bad at the other non-combat checks, but his allies do give him some padding. You mention an interesting point that since Undead Company is a barrier, you don't take damage if you fail a check. I was under the impression if you failed a combat check, you took combat damage = to the difference, regardless if it was a barrier or monster.