Thaago |
I'm making up a 4th level human fey sorcerer and am looking for a little advice - particularly whether this is combat viable within a party. Are there any great feats I'm missing for taking 3 spell focus's? At 5th level I'm planning on taking augmented summoning and learning summon monster 2, and I get Hideous laughter for single target lockdown. Get Haste at 6th for buffing and switch sleep for hypnotism?
Sorcerer: Fey Level:4
Int:13 This is for skills and maybe spell specialization?
Favored Class: hp/hp/hp/spell
Feats: 1) Spell focus and greater: Enchantment
3) Spell focus: Conjuration
Traits: Conspiracy Hunter (Perception), World traveveler (Diplomacy)
Weapons: Crossbow :)
Spells Per Day:inf/8/4
Spells Known: 6/3+1/1
0: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Light, Mage Hand, Message
1: Sleep (dc 20), Entangle (dc 17)(3rd), Charm Person (dc18), Memory Lapse (dc 18)
2: Glitterdust (dc 18)