Tracker1 |
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I've been playing that once a check with an encounter begins, no other check can start until that one resolves, so if I play an attack spell for combat check i will attempt the recharge after "make the roll" step and before "take damage" since the "make the roll" step is considered the end of the check from what I understand.
My reasoning behind this was from reading a thread about no nested checks, so it seemed like the right spot to recharge a spell before i forgot about it.
So, I just read this from another thread.
Vic wrote:
Nope—you don't recharge that Force Missile at the end of the check, you recharge it immediately after playing it
So, isn't that a nested check, if i have not completed the first check.
I'm fine playing it either way, but slightly confused.
Help please.

Mogloth |

I think people are reading too much into this whole check business.
Play the spell for a check. Check to see if it recharges. Figure out the check that you used the spell on. Pretty simple. And just like you quoted.

Tracker1 |

I think people are reading too much into this whole check business.
Play the spell for a check. Check to see if it recharges. Figure out the check that you used the spell on. Pretty simple. And just like you quoted.
Sure it could be that simple, but it has implications on the rest of the game play.
For instance, If i attempt to recharge a card after playing it durung acombat check, then i may play other cards that assist the recharge check, so i might be able to get rid of cards even before i potentiality take damage. So, i might be able use cards befor they are lost to damage, by being able to recharge before the combat check is complete.
That changes things, quite a bit. I'd be able to play blessings, recharge allies, etc to asisist in the recharge, before i complet the combat check. I did not have this option with the no nested check interpertation.
I realize the no-nested check was an unofficial response from Mike at BGG, but it seemed pretty solid, and eliminated a lot of confusion that can occur from nested checks.
I'm fine with it either way, but i think playing with nested checks leads to more complications, we'll see.

Mogloth |

Sure, you can play all of those cards on the recharge. Of course, at the end of your turn you'll have to draw back up to a full hand. Which will leave fewer cards in your draw pile. It's all a matter of give and take.

Zairos |

I know this goes against what Mike said in the BGG forums here but, if there are no nested checks, then the recharge checks of all cards played during an "Attempting Checks" (Reference Sheet of the Rulebook) should be made after the "Resolve the Check" step. Contrary to what Mike said, this would not invalidate the Arcane Armor use in the linked example because, according to the Rulebook, a player can play one card of each type during the "Play Cards that Affect Your Check" and another card of each type during the "Take Damage".
Therefore, there should be no way of preventing damage through nested card recharging after knowing what the damage is (i.e, after the "Make the Roll" step) and actually taking the damage (i.e., after the "Take Damage" step).

Mogloth |
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Good points, all. We are working out the details.
I just want to throw this out there.
The Paizo people kick ass. Vic and Mike have been burning up these boards answering questions. And I also know that Vic frequents other sections of Paizo's forums.

h4ppy |

I know this goes against what Mike said in the BGG forums here but, if there are no nested checks, then the recharge checks of all cards played during an "Attempting Checks" (Reference Sheet of the Rulebook) should be made after the "Resolve the Check" step. Contrary to what Mike said, this would not invalidate the Arcane Armor use in the linked example because, according to the Rulebook, a player can play one card of each type during the "Play Cards that Affect Your Check" and another card of each type during the "Take Damage".
Therefore, there should be no way of preventing damage through nested card recharging after knowing what the damage is (i.e, after the "Make the Roll" step) and actually taking the damage (i.e., after the "Take Damage" step).
Following some clarifications on BGG I think this is the way to go and makes most sense to me. Also has the benefit that you keep the 'active' cards on the table until after their effects have resolved.

Joshua Bailey 755 |
The most logical way for things to go would be, for spells to be recharged as soon as it's played. In order to be played, they have to be discarded, so it would either be in the discard pile or the character deck before dice are rolled.
For instance, if, with an empty discard pile, you were to encounter the Bugbear and discard a weapon for the check then fail the encounter, you would have to bury the weapon you discarded. (I'm assuming this happens at the same time as damage, as the card doesn't say "If undefeated, after the encounter...") If there were a card that worked the same way, but with a spell instead of a weapon or item, then the spell wouldn't be in the discard pile, your hand or your deck.
Another example would be places where you are forced to discard from your deck. If you recharge a spell, then have to discard cards from your deck, there's a chance you'd be discarding the card you just recharged.
The only implication this has in the game, thus far, is using the nested check to play Glibness. Which I honestly thought was intended. I thought it was a spell casters 'Dagger +1.' It would provide the about same bonus. (A discarded Dagger +1 would give an average of 3.5 which would be better, on average.) I know that Dagger +1 doesn't help you recharge weapons, but the fighter gets to recharge them for free.

Ironburn |
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From the FAQ:
When exactly do I recharge a spell that I've played on a check?
After you've finished the check entirely. You must finish one check before you start another. That means you make the roll for the original check (and take damage if necessary) before you begin the check to recharge the spell.
Resolution: On page 12 of the rulebook, before Resolve the Encounter, add a new section:
"Make the Next Check, If Needed: If there's another check required, such as if you played a boon with a check to recharge, or if your bane requires a second check to defeat, resolve it as described above."
On page 15, under Recharge, before the parenthetical sentence, add the following:
"If, while attempting another check, you play a boon that you may be able to recharge, resolve the current check before attempting to recharge the card. The boon is in play (and does not count as being in your hand, deck, discard pile, or elsewhere) during the intervening time."