I'm what?

Off-Topic Discussions

Shadow Lodge

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So I was trying to think of a name for a half-orc smasher barbarian i've been over thinking about today. I googled "name for a smasher" and this is what I ran into. Anyone else run into any hilarious results while trying to come up with names?

• The name of Smasher has made you serious-minded, responsible, and stable.
• You love the security of a home and family, you are fond of children, and, as a parent you would be fair and understanding.
• Although you have good business judgment, you are not aggressive in your dealings because you do not like to create issues.
• You would be successful in any position dealing with the public as you have a diplomatic and tactful manner and possess a charming, easy-going nature which puts people at ease.
• People are drawn to you because they feel that you are patient, kind, understanding, and responsive.
• You would be effective in a career or in volunteer work where you are handling people (funny because I was thinking of taking Body Bludgeon as a rage power)and serving in a humanitarian way.
• While you are honest and responsible, one weakness that is paramount in your life is your lack of self-confidence and initiative, which causes you to put things off and avoid facing issues.
• Generally speaking, you have few problems with your health; however, there is a weakness affecting the fluid functions of the body



Shadow Lodge

So off topic slightly, as if there is a topic.

Just the way things were lined up.

To all those parents here checking this game out to see if it is for your kids...We need to buy Seoni a Bodice!


Shadow Lodge

Halflings get no respect.

APG wrote:


Often overlooked due to their diminutive size, halflings have an amazing ability to seamlessly insert themselves into the grand narrative of the world around them. Quick, deft, and strong-willed, they blend into the societies of other races and quickly make themselves indispensable. Though sometimes stereotyped as sneaks and thieves by other races—and with plenty of examples to back up the allegations—halflings as a rule are neither. Rather, most halflings are adaptable and easy-going, and though their curiosity sometimes gets them into trouble, most gnomes meet adversity with a tenacity and courage that belies their small stature.



"Conman the Bardbarian wrote:

...We need to buy Seoni a Bodice!


Shadow Lodge

For a little better context for the third post those were two threads as they appeared in the messageboards box on the left.

Thread 1

Thread 2

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