Mythic Monsters with class levels

Rules Questions

The new mythic book does not go into this and I have some Monster NPC's with class levels I was looking at adding some Mythic tiers too.

My Question is should I use the mythic tiers as per character classes(ie, archmage, champion, etc)or the mythic monster ranks.

OK waited for 24 hours to bump this, Just like to get some input, or maybe someone can point out something I missed?

Sovereign Court

The final enemy in the short AP at the end of Mythic Adventures is a non-mythic creature that has class levels and tiers/path like a character.

Unfortunately I don't think it really provides an example of what happens if a creature is both a mythic creature with ranks and a mythic character with tiers.

You could do this one of two ways.

Either a creature can only have one or the other, in which case a monster that normally advances through HD should advance via mythic ranks whereas a monster that normally advances through class levels (most player races) should advance through mythic tiers.

OR a creature can gain both. In this case the ranks and tiers should probably stack to determine a creature's total number of surge points, path abilities, and the strength of those abilities.

yea I noticed they had 2 monster types with mythic and class levels, the gargoyle barbarians had mythic ranks, and the efreeti fighter had mythic tiers, guess it can be done either way. Hadn't read thru the adventure I don't normally run book adventures.

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