Master Summoner 2 / Sorcerer Crossblooded Celestial / Undead 18


After reading some necromancy threads and reading how it doesn't have to be evil to accomplish I was thinking of making my own twist on the subject.

I was thinking either Human or Half-elf (depending on if I want to reveal my Necromantic intent at level 1 or not)

Character Alignment will be CN

This character was born dead but through divine intervention was given life and only now (after the 2 levels in Summoner) the effects of both events happening are showing and making him/her mad as the two entirely different blood-types are vying for control.

Feats (if human)
Level 1: Spell Focus (Necromancy), Skeleton Summoner
Level 2: Augment Summoning (Master Summoner Feat)
Level 3: Eclectic (Sorcerer)
Level 5: Superior Summoning
Level 7: Leadership
Level 9: Improved Initiative
Level 11: Craft Rod
Level 13:
Level 15: Great Fortitude
Level 17:
Level 19: Lightening Reflexes

Feats (if Half-elf)
Level 1: Spell Focus Necromancy
Level 2: Augment Summoning (Master Summoner Feat)
Level 3: Skeleton Summoner
Level 5: Superior Summoning
Level 7: Leadership
Level 9: Improved Initiative
Level 11: Craft Rod
Level 13:
Level 15: Great Fortitude
Level 17:
Level 19: Lightening Reflexes

I want Great Fortitude and Lightening Reflexes for the obvious saves reasons however if anyone could help out with other feats (possibly even replacing those two) that would be nice. Also I know that I wont even get level 9 spells and only one level 8 spell but (for once in my theory crafting) I am making the feats, skill ranks, ability scores, etc. revolve around the back story of the character.

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