New Venture-Lieutenant of South Haven, MI

Pathfinder Society

Silver Crusade 5/5

I’d like to announce the promotion of Jim Tinklenberg to Venture-Lieutenant of South Haven, MI. He has earned this position through his dedicated work as a GM not only in our home region in Michigan, but across the Midwest as a whole. Jim has always been willing to step up to GM, and organizes game days regularly just so people have more opportunities to play. He's put 70,000 miles on his car in the last year visiting cons all over tarnation. So, in closing. Lets all put our hands together for another awesome Venture-Officer

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Congrats Jim!

And apparently being Dan's Chauffeur is a prereq to becoming his VL... ;D

Grand Lodge 5/5


Dark Archive 2/5


Liberty's Edge 5/5

congrats Jim!

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

Nice job, Jim! Wooooo!

Our ranks grow larger...

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Great Lakes

Congrats Jim...and Great First Name! ;-)

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